Digital Marketing for schools and educational institutions: why invest and support tools

Many educational institutions already see Digital Marketing as essential in attracting and retaining students. Learn how to implement the strategies!

The educational environment has always been closely linked to its traditions, which also concerns its way of attracting and retaining students. But, just as the ways of offering education are changing (an example is the constant expansion of distance learning ), the sector is also betting on different strategies to reach new students, sell more courses and relate to the target audience.

Thus, marketing is now highlighted and seen as an ally of different profiles of institutions that today are able to understand themselves more as a business and seek financial health in their results. The way of acquiring students for schools and educational institutions has changed. More than ever, having a digital presence to attract these students looking for ways to learn and qualify online is critical.

And it is not enough to have a website, it is necessary to have a structured Digital Marketing strategy to attract your potential student to your page and opportunities for interaction and conversion of these visitors into Leads, in addition to relating and already participating in the decision-making process of the future. student, captivating and educating him from the beginning.

Therefore, in this post we will help you with some contextualization information about the education segment, as well as the first steps for you to have Digital Marketing as an ally in market development.

Reasons for schools and educational institutions to invest in Digital Marketing

When you are responsible for an educational institution and your biggest complaint is that the money allocated to advertising is no longer worth it for the results it brings, it is necessary to stop and rethink some things:  resources aimed at the institution’s marketing cannot be considered an expense, but an investment with a guaranteed return .

Once you get a student, you need to keep them for quality and persuasiveness, not just fines on termination of enrollment; traditional marketing strategies are no longer effective on all occasions – Digital Marketing needs to be more present in your educational institution.

If you are still maturing this idea, we present 5 advantages that can clarify your reasons for investing in marketing strategies in your educational institution.

1. Make your educational institution a reference

If you do the same as other educational institutions, what is the difference for a student to choose between you and the competition? If you have what another school or university doesn’t, but nobody knows about it, it makes no difference.

You need to attract people interested in what you have to offer. To do this, find the channels where your target audience is and provide content to engage them.

This is one of the best Digital Marketing strategies and it matches the education market very well, which is already used to producing segmented content. And it is exactly this content that will define you as “THE” educational institution. It is what will expose your values ​​and establish and affirm your position before the market .

2. Improves the analysis of the results of your actions

With Digital Marketing, you can direct your actions to where your audience is and have access to the proportions and results of these actions, facilitating future strategies. It works well as a known experimentation process of scientific methodology – Growth Hacking – and with a much lower cost.

You don’t have to spend your entire marketing budget on just one strategy: distribute it among the planned actions and, after the results, cut out the ones that don’t work and invest in the ones that worked.

With metrics tools, Digital Marketing will provide more financial control to organize and/or demonstrate to the educational institution maintainer the return on the investment being made.

As these tools analyze the behavior of the audience, they also help to better understand their profile and further direct strategies. Contrary to what happens with traditional marketing, you will have control over the results of your actions.

3. Investing in Digital Marketing expands your geographic reach

If with the use of traditional marketing strategies the promotion of your educational institution is restricted to specific areas, with investment in Digital Marketing you can attract students from places where you had no reach before.

Using the production of content to become a reference in the educational market, your educational institution will have much more reach and attract, due to the advantages worked by its strategies, more public willing to travel to acquire knowledge with you.

4. Approaches and retains students through individualized treatment

One of the main reasons that an educational institution is considered of quality by parents and students today is its way of de-massifying the teaching and learning system.

If in the classrooms students seek more personalization and individualization of the pedagogical method, in the relationship with the institution’s management, the will is no different. Your audience doesn’t want to be reminded only when the collection slips arrive or to be approached with the intention of applying for an entrance exam they’ve never heard of before.

One of the most important benefits of investing in Digital Marketing is the possibility of constant dialogue with your audience. When he leaves a contact email, a door is opened for this relationship to begin to be built and maintained.

Using good Email Marketing campaigns  will help your educational institution to get more interested audiences and make this audience captive and qualified for you.

5. Investing in Digital Marketing prolongs the achievement of results

An institution that takes care of the educational training of people knows that the results are not immediate, but that their effects are lasting, continuous. It is not for nothing that they say that good institutions prepare their students for life. In Digital Marketing, the principle is the same. You will not see results the day after implementation, these results will be progressive, and the more familiar and easy you are with the actions that generate results for your institution, the simpler and more dynamic this process will be.

In addition, with the maintenance of their relationship with students and potential students, their stay at the educational institution can be extended into another course, a workshop, etc. This consolidation of long-term results not only brings an increase in profits, but also numerous benefits, including the maintenance of the institution’s image.

Precautions to start your educational institution’s Digital Marketing

Marketing and sales are still not exact sciences. In Digital Marketing we are able to reduce uncertainty, bet on numbers and metrics  to indicate the best way of working and create plans that are consistent with objectives.

Test, find out what works, invest more where it works and cut investment where it doesn’t. Still, there is no magic formula or foolproof strategy.

What works for one university may not work for a competitor with very similar characteristics for no apparent reason. A successful strategy to fill the classroom on one course can be a huge waste for another course from the same company.

Without relying on recipes to succeed with Digital Marketing, educational institutions can pay attention to some indicative signs of a problem and then delve deeper. When you notice these signs, turn on a yellow light. There is likely to be an opportunity for improvement. With the yellow light on, try to dig deeper to understand if this opportunity is the best option to work with now. Now, we are going to show you 6 precautions to do the right marketing of your institution.

1. Lack of knowledge of how much is being invested in the student acquisition structure

How much was and how much will be invested in marketing in marketing are questions to which decision makers of an educational institution need to have an answer, but they don’t always have.

Not understanding how much is being invested makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to prioritize the next actions. In addition, it makes it impossible to assess health in the student acquisition process. Finding out if, in the way it has been done, it is profitable to bring in a new student given the dropout and completion rates of the course, is fundamental to the strategy of the educational institution.

2. Spam

Not all institutions can break down all the contacts on their lists to a high level of segmentation, but you need to be careful to do the bare minimum.

For example, a student with a degree in business administration from a large university, works in marketing for a technology company and who really enjoys learning subjects related to programming and software development. What justifies him receiving an email from an institution where he took a crash course in something like PHP, or Java (programming languages) a year ago offering vacancies in a technical course in marine welding?

This happens very often, just check your inbox. Even more importantly, what is the relevance of this email? We understand that not all institutions are able to separate the interest and the moment of purchase from the student audience, but segmenting the minimum so as not to be ignored in the future is important.

3. Feeling of rework in all entrance exams

You did a great job on the summer entrance exam. It bought media, used content, married off-line strategies well, attracted students, brought in subscribers and contacts. Six months later, you notice that the process is repeating itself with no evolution in relation to the previous semester. Enrolled and unenrolled students were lost, the list we have at hand doesn’t show each student’s area of ​​interest and we don’t know which channel works best. Notice if marketing is taking advantage of the Leads generated in previous entrance exams, if learning about the performance of campaigns by campus, course and class is relevant and if growth is constant on all fronts.

4. Marketing and commercial together

The person who sends the email is the same professional who sells it. If this happens, each salesperson will prioritize their course segment, or just use their contact list. Marketing can even be done by someone involved in the commercial, in cases where the structure does not support different people, but the roles need to be very clear.

Having a structure that thinks about marketing and sales is not so common in the Education market, either because of the size of the institution or because they have not yet realized how it can make a difference in the results of enrollment and sales of courses to work with these two fronts.

With the Inbound Marketing methodology , the team responsible for marketing will build the relationship with the potential student from when he begins to consider the need for a particular course or knowledge until the moment he delivers it to the sales team, responsible for the execution. of selection or enrollment processes. And this relationship, established by the marketing team, will also be applied by the sales team, so that the student’s purchase journey is continuous, without major deviations along the way.

The role of Inbound Marketing is to guide without being invasive. With it, the marketing team will be responsible for creating relevant content throughout the purchase journey , sending relevant materials through personalized emails to the Leads base, taking care of interactions on social networks and following the evolution of this potential student on their journey. , until the same is prepared to be approached by the sales team.

The sales team, responsible for closing the application or enrollment, should follow the same approach and see if this potential student is really an opportunity and is ready to be part of your institution.

It is essential that the commercial team, responsible for direct contact with the likely student, is prepared and aligned with the strategies of the marketing team. As soon as marketing “delivers” a Lead to the sales team, the latter must make a consultative contact, with the real intention of trying to help a student in doubt about their choices and their future. Only then should the salesperson address the advantages and benefits of this Lead studying at their Educational Institution.

For these two paths to converge and lead to positive results (increase in the number of students, less dropout and default) it is important to work together between marketing and sales. This encompasses partnership and dialogue to establish common goals and challenging (and complementary) goals for both sides. It is very common that these areas are mixed up in Educational Institutions, but some steps can be taken to facilitate the understanding of the responsibility of each team.

How to do Digital Marketing for schools and educational institutions

1. The importance of the persona (your target audience)

A particular course or course topics that your institution offers are not of interest to just anyone. That’s why it’s important to direct your efforts to those who really have the potential to become your student. One way to target these efforts is by defining your persona .

The persona is the more detailed image of your typical student, the background of your students, or the drawing of the ideal student transformed into a character to whom you will direct your marketing strategies. And within your field of activity it is possible to have one or more personas, what defines this is your possibility or need to be able to focus efforts directed at them.

Creating a persona for your courses involves understanding your students with both positive and negative experiences, so that you will be able to analyze the problems that your students are going through and be able to work to improve the experience between them and your institution.

This action consists of understanding the needs of your potential students, what are the pains they need to address, what your institution offers for this and what are the main obstacles for them to become students. Price, grade, certification? It is the drawing of a map that will guide every step of your Digital Marketing strategies. A solid basis for action, not just based on assumptions.

To create your persona, take advantage of the data of your registered students and the evaluations they make about your courses. Conducting interviews also helps in collecting more detailed data and getting to know and understand your audience better.

A tip is not to stick only to aspects strictly linked to study habits. Expand your survey to social aspects, information consumption channels, professional interests and possible problems that this student tries to solve through what your courses have to offer. Once this is done, you will have the direction to produce content that attracts, relates to and retains students.

In the post Who are the different personas for each type of Educational Institution: 3 hypothetical examples  we talk more about the subject.

And to help create and document personas, use our Fantastic Persona Generator tool .

2. Creating content to attract students

Once you’ve created your persona, what does your institution have to offer them? Content that adds to the resolution of a problem already known by your potential student or that arouses their interest in something you can provide is the best option.

To offer the right content, you need to design your buyer persona’s journey (which you’ll see below), and content production comes as an effective option to “meet” your persona’s needs at each stage of this journey. of purchase.

Although your business is exactly the production of teaching content, it is different when it is offered for free to arouse the interest of those you want to bring to your institution and show your consolidated position in the market. And offering this free content does not mean that you will “spend” material that could generate profit, but that you will offer content produced or edited exclusively to attract your audience in exchange for important information for your institution.

This information can be obtained on a Landing Page  or conversion page, which precedes access to some more complete materials that your IE is offering. In this way, with the data provided by those who accessed your material, you transform that visitor into a potential student, or Lead, enabling a later relationship between IE and him.

Creating a blog linked to the website is a simple and effective initial action for this. The content will be the tone and voice of your institution  before the market. Feeding a blog with posts at a constant and determined frequency also means that you’ve established this routine with your audience. This commitment already characterizes their responsibility in the face of the pain that their potential students feel.

>> Also read the post 5 points to understand the importance of blogging in Educational Institutions .

Transforming the knowledge that can be passed into an accessible product is to demonstrate the domain of the area in which your institution operates. If your institution and the people in it have mastery over what your audience needs, it means that before the market you have the ability to transfer knowledge and add useful and formative information to those who reach you.

Pay attention: to gain credibility, be careful with the standardization and quality of your texts. Grammar is essential, coherence in values ​​and cohesion between the parts are indispensable. Take advantage of content that you already have at your institution and edit it, making it useful and attractive to the public.

Another important point is knowing where to make this content available. Go where your audience is. Having discovered your persona will help you define in which channels it will be easier to interact with them. Social media is a great gateway to starting a relationship. Paid media, ads on Google Ads  and a good job with SEO  will be fundamental in this strategy.

3. Purchase journey to generate enrollments

Inbound Marketing strategies focus on preparing and monitoring the public from the first contact with your institution to the purchase of a course and beyond, in the relationship to keep that student longer with your institution. That way, you will get students who are really willing to pay for exactly the service your institution offers.

However, it is worth mentioning that this type of sale does not occur overnight. As it is a directed, segmented and personalized process, this happens through the relationship, which consists of understanding the needs and pains and directing content and communications that guide the student to make his decision. Therefore, it is not advisable to skip steps to try to anticipate the results. That’s why it’s important to know your student’s buying journey.

The buying journey works in four stages:

  1. Learning and Discovery;
  2. Problem recognition;
  3. Solution consideration;
  4. Evaluation and purchase.

Coming to the end of the journey, your student will be more confident in making the decision and choosing your institution among so many others. This is because he will have gradually evolved his interest and his certainty, thanks to the appropriate materials for each of these stages.

Understand the steps and the core content idea for each of them.

1 – Learning and Discovery

This is the phase in which your future student has not yet discovered what his problem or pain is, which may be the need to update himself or resume his studies to expand his possibilities of acting in the market or have a promotion, for example. He is still at the beginning of awakening interest in some course topic. Therefore, it is at this stage that your institution will draw his attention and make him realize the importance and facilities of a course for his career or personal goals.

Type of content:  At this stage, the contents should be broader, to arouse the public’s interest with an overview of some initial subjects. Your institution can make posts, eBooks or webinars with more introductory topics.

2 – Recognition of the problem

At this stage, your prospective student has probably already realized that he has a problem. In this way, he will start to research and study better about this pain and the means to solve it. It is the phase where you show the problem and help in the search for a solution.

Type of content:  At this stage, content can be more in-depth and focused on the specific problem of your persona. Here comes the contents that should generate the most specific identification of the pain of your future student.

3 – Consideration of the solution

After studying about the problem that arose, your future student starts looking for possibilities to solve it. It is at this moment that he needs to identify his institution and its courses as the solution to his pain. It’s interesting for you to show how you can start solving the problem quickly, so that he doesn’t leave it for later or decide to evaluate other possibilities.

Type of content:  What makes the difference in the choice is knowing what other people think about that course your student is about to buy. Therefore, use alumni success stories at this stage. Show how a course at your institution helped a student in certain ways.

4 – Evaluation and purchase

It is at this point that your future student will make the decision and register or enroll at your institution. It’s time to show your differential and make your student confident about this choice.

Type of content:  For an ODL institution, the best type of content to offer at this stage may be the release of an excerpt or module of the course, or even a special edition. A guide or extra course materials of interest to the student can also demonstrate the effectiveness of what you have to offer.

4. Recurrence in enrollments

Once you’ve gone through the entire purchase journey and have established a relationship with your student, it doesn’t make sense that your institution would lose you after a course ends and have to start the whole process all over again. In addition to being much more expensive to get a new student than to keep an old one, an enrolled student already knows your institution. If he’s had a positive experience, he becomes the ideal customer. But if that student had a negative experience, it’s time to rescue him and not lose him for good.

Since many courses are short, one of the best ways to get a student to take another course is to encourage them to finish the first one. Some basic ways to do this are to divide the courses into modules, deliver quality content and provide the necessary support in case of doubts or problems with your materials. In addition, taking care of the post-enrollment relationship is an effective way to fuel your student’s interest and permanence as a client.

If, early in the process, you discovered the needs that your prospective student had before meeting your institution, go beyond your competition and find out what the current needs of your enrolled students are. What they need to solve now or how your institution can leverage the learning they have already achieved are some examples.

Analyze: if your student has acquired a course on syllabus, why not suggest a course on methods of solving exercises in competitions, since this will probably be his next challenge?

As Inbound Marketing allows audience segmentation, you have access to the profile and interests of your students. This allows you to offer extra content focused on their growth and include suggestions for new courses that fit a certain profile. This segmentation helps a lot when making promotions or offers.

But the differential of this relationship with the client must be the concern of your institution with the success of your student. Show your student that you are referring them to courses that can really help in their professional or personal future. Clearly demonstrate your interest in his growth.

To establish this closer and more personalized contact with your student base, marketing automation  is a possibility to assist in this work and enhance the recurrence of enrollments, as it will keep your students always informed of what your institution has to offer and how it is willing to help you.

Check out 4 ways to engage your students and have more enrollment recurrence .

Content Marketing: How to turn your educational content into marketing content

What does a company that offers educational services, such as schools, universities or own online course platforms, produce as its “product” to offer the knowledge experience to a student?

Educational content  is certainly one of the main answers, and maybe that’s why the fear that still permeates some of these institutions when we talk about Content Marketing .

Your Education “Product” Will Not Be Wasted

The initial step is to understand that what your school or college produces for classes, to feed the teaching and learning process and justify the value of tuition or courses will not be delivered in full or wasted by being promoted for free.

The idea of ​​marketing content is to give proof of what you have to offer to a student, it is to educate them to want to be part of your institution even before they know they need it, evolving your target audience throughout the purchase journey. .

And to make this process more effective, design your institution’s persona, know its pains and think about the materials and differentials you already have and can adapt to reach that persona and bring it to your active student group.

Engage teachers and tutors in marketing actions

If one of the excuses for not working with content production in your Inbound Marketing strategies is that educational content already takes a lot of time from those responsible for them and there is no time in the marketing team to analyze everything that is done to select and transform in a marketing content, so engage teachers and tutors more in marketing strategies.

As the main producers of educational content in institutions are teachers and tutors, they can also be trained to evaluate among the materials that produce what may or may not be interesting for the profile of the students you intend to reach.

When designing your school, college or distance learning persona, include your teachers and tutors in the process, make their importance clear and encourage participation in suggesting materials.

The idea is not to overwhelm them, but to show the importance of the work they do and use their knowledge of the institution’s audience to offer more relevant marketing materials.

In the Inbound Marketing Implementation for Educational Institutions kit , you will find a content management template that you can use to organize the tutors and teachers who will be responsible for producing educational materials with the potential to become marketing content.

Adapt formats and take the opportunity to test innovations

The educational market is in a moment of growing transformation, seeking to innovate with the use of different technologies, betting on the growth of demand for distance learning and taking risks in new formats of classes and courses. And, for those who are still afraid to test some of these formats, the first adaptation may be for marketing content.

One of the great advantages of Digital Marketing is that actions in the online environment can be tested, measured and redone with a much lower expense than in the offline environment.

Thus, using educational material in a new format, such as microlearning videos, delivering it as marketing content to your institution’s Leads base, and evaluating the receptivity and feedback of potential students can be a thermometer for deciding whether or not to use this format. in classes and courses.

To get started, check out the Complete Guide to Microlearning  and the post on Storytelling for Educational Institutions .

Examples of content to adapt

Exams and simulations  â€“ After pre-registration or registration of a candidate for an entrance exam, for example, provide exercises close to what will be requested in the entrance exam so that this potential student can prepare and familiarize himself with his type of exam. Use previous entrance exams, questions that were listed but not selected for the entrance exam in question.

Course modules  â€“ If you work with distance learning, one option is to adapt course modules to distribute for free or record special modules, which will only be sent to those who have shown interest in one of the courses, but have not completed the purchase or registration, for example.

Special classes  â€“ Teachers of pre-university or preparatory courses for competitions are known for their dynamic classes and full of tricks to facilitate the understanding or memorization of topics. Record these lessons and make them available as rich content. Students who seek institutions with this profile are certainly interested in class models that help them understand the subject more quickly and will be interested in this type of material.

Institutional values ​​or guidelines  â€“ When parents look for a school for their children, they want to find one that alleviates concerns such as safety, attention to development, methodology, construction of values. Your school certainly has documents explaining its values, standards it follows in safety and methodologies it adopts. Transform these topics into posts, eBooks or explainer videos with titles like “The benefits of methodology X”, “Safety criteria that every preschool should follow”, “Values ​​built with the education of school Y”.

Paid media in the educational market

Probably, taking into account marketing planning , you have already made some kind of advertisement to publicize your institution, such as inserts in newspapers, magazines or radio programs, for example. Online paid media, in a basic way, has the same objective as these ads, with the difference that it is done on the internet: you decide on which available channels you will create an ad and, after creating it, you define how much you will pay for it. .

Facebook ads, sponsored links, banners, sponsored content on blogs, video calls on YouTube are some of the possibilities of online advertisements.  One of their differentials is that you can have much greater segmentation and targeting than in traditional ads and, by investing strategically, you can spend much less and evolve your future students in your institution’s purchase journey .

Paid media helps boost your content. This way, you reach prospective students faster and bring to your base who you might not be able to reach organically.  To exemplify, in the period of seasonality of the selection processes, you can use a paid media campaign to increase the capture of new interested in your courses, having a peak in this phase.

In addition to this boost, there are other advantages of working with paid ads, such as:

  • Generate traffic:  every online ad is clickable, so you can direct a potential student who is interested in it to a specific page on your website or to an important post for your institution, thus generating more visitors and allowing this audience to be interested in other content and courses of yours.
  • Increase visibility:  With an online ad, you are more likely to have people with a potential enrollment profile have access to your institution when doing research or visiting a website, which will attract more attention to what your IE has to offer.
  • It brings faster results:  it is possible to observe the results brought by an ad a few hours after putting it on the air. Thus, it is also possible to stop a campaign or invest more in it taking into account the performance it is having.
  • Allows for flexible investments:  one of the concerns of smaller institutions, such as local English schools, is whether they will be able to invest in paid media with the value they have for marketing. And the answer is yes, because online ads are for all sizes of institutions and even with little money you can already boost your content to start having results. Of course, with more investment, the reach will be greater, but this can grow according to the institution’s possibilities.
  • Greater possibility of targeting:  with your persona defined , you can target your ads to try to reach it more accurately. For example, if your institution is located in neighborhood X, you can target your campaign to that demographic and thus avoid paying for clicks from those who are not interested in studying in that region.
  • It’s easier to measure results:  if you make an insert in a local newspaper, you have an idea of ​​how many people subscribe to it and an average of sales at newsstands, but you can’t measure how many potential students were actually reached by your material. With online ads, you can measure all results, such as number of clicks and visits.

The most used Digital Marketing tools in the educational market

An Educational Institution provides learning to students who seek it. But for this learning to happen, in addition to the concern with methodology and structure, whether physical or digital, the institution also needs to have healthy financial management and take care of attracting and retaining students.

In other words, maintaining a healthy Educational Institution means thinking about and executing numerous activities in different areas, such as pedagogical and commercial – which, although different, reflect one another.

In view of this and the numerous transformations that the educational scenario has gone through, the different profiles of Educational Institutions are increasingly improving their business side and resorting to the digital environment.

To assist in this process, there are several tools, many of them with specific functionalities for the Education segment. These tools make the daily life of institutions more agile and automated, as they help redirect resources and allow members from different areas of the IE to better define their focus of action.

Digital Marketing tools enhance student acquisition, help with retention, improve relationships and, consequently, increase the institutions’ profitability. If your institution still doesn’t use them, see what you may be missing out on.


Among the Digital Marketing tools, the marketing analysis tools are the most used by Educational Institutions. Since the reports offered by these platforms facilitate the evaluation and understanding of the engagement of visitors with the site (how many people are on your site in real time, where they came from, what they are viewing, which path they take within the IE portal ).

It is through this data that the institution will be able to better target its strategies, know what attracts the most attention of its target audience on its website and be able to direct the appropriate efforts to each objective. If you don’t analyze, you don’t know precisely what works and what doesn’t.

landing pages

With IE personas visiting the institution’s website, it is necessary to put in place strategies that take them from simple visitors to potential students. For this, a fundamental part of the strategies linked to Inbound Marketing is the availability of Landing Pages, or conversion pages.

Linked to an offer relevant to the needs of the institution’s target audience, a Landing Page  has a form in which potential students will leave some information relevant to IE, such as name, email, age, in exchange for what is being offered.

By filling out this form, the visitor becomes a Lead, that is, an opportunity to close an enrollment. This type of visitor-to-Lead conversion is less invasive and the information left on the page makes it possible to establish a relationship between the institution and the Lead, by sending content that is interesting and appropriate to the profile of this future student.

E-mail marketing

After visiting the institution’s website, its social networks, blog and converting it into a Landing Page, a potential student can get lost before closing an enrollment if a relationship is not established with him, and email is a prominent channel. for this.

It is through email that you can make official communications from your institution, maintain student engagement in your courses and notify your Leads about launches and promotions that will drive enrollment closures, for example.

SEO Analysis

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is basically the optimization of a page or a website so that this content is better interpreted by search engines. An SEO analysis tool, on the other hand, helps you understand how search engines are seeing your site, which helps in designing the next strategies.

For an educational institution to have an authority position in the educational market, ranking well in Google’s organic searches is essential. This tool profile assists in keyword research, website optimization through plugins and analysis, among other aspects.

Counting on these tools, combined with a good job of producing optimized content, can guarantee the institution a good position in the results of internet searches and result in the reach of possible students who would not find EI by any other means.

Social Media Monitoring/Management

With this type of tool, it is possible to pre-schedule posts, monitor in real time all mentions of the institution on social media and analyze the reception of content and the growth of the follower base.

For many Educational Institutions, social media is the first step in Digital Marketing. It is through them that IE begins to expand its image among its target audience, however, as the research shows, there are still few IEs that make strategic use of social media  through monitoring and management tools.

When this use and monitoring are done strategically, social networks enable much more than vanity metrics, such as likes and shares. They become an excellent channel for converting followers into Leads and maintaining the relationship, which helps advance the purchase journey of this future student.

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation tools  can be considered a combination of several other tools that facilitate the routine of actions aimed at Digital Marketing and enhance the generation of results in a single software.

These tools have several vertical functionalities, such as Landing Pages, Email Marketing and email automation flows, which facilitate and scale the management of contacts and the maturation of potential students/leads in the purchase journey, through a personalized relationship .

With all these resources centralized in just one platform, the institution increases the intelligence and integration of Digital Marketing actions and also gains in productivity, since the entire process is done in an automated way and through predefined triggers.

Please watch this educational presentation

Enjoy and get to know Digital Marketing , the all-in-one tool to manage and automate your Digital Marketing actions.