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Never Ever give your car to go mechanic.
I am attaching mail I had sent to them which was answered after 20 days of repeated remainders. And response was pathetic and irrelevant:
The Concerned,
GoMechanic – Car Services Made Smart
GoMechanic is India’s largest network of 500+ car service centers across Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi NCR, Chennai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad & Chandigarh & more.
Compensation & response against Problem Faced because of Go Mechanic Team to handle my Maruti Dezire car number – MH05 DS2224
Dear Sir,
I would like to bring to your notice the type of pathetic service and resolution given by GOMECHANIC because of which I faced worst experience of my life. I am expecting very strong action against people who are involved in handling my case very carelessly and would expect immediate compensation.
It all started when one of my friend recommended me to try routine service (4th one) through GOMECHANIC as he had very good experience with Go Mechanic team. My 4th service was due and after lockdown I didn’t want to go out at all and wanted to have hand to hand service and my friend asked me to try GOMECHANIC . I had impression that go mechanic is very big brand and have their own service stations across country. If I was aware that GOMECHANIC is just an aggregator and don’t have mechanic on roles like Maruti, I would have never given my car to GOMECHANIC. My car was single handed and very nicely maintained. So that is how for the first time I gave my Vehicle for servicing to GOMECHANIC on 16th December, 2020. Car was returned to me after servicing by late evening as assured as I had to go to Nashik (I have bought home at Nashik and paper work was going on).
From very first day I started experiencing pathetic Service of GOMECHANIC. My car broke down during my way to Nashik by late night 12.30 on the very same day it returned from servicing when I was travelling with my family. It was showing engine light and than had few jerks and it stopped. It was not getting started. I got stuck in midst of highway around Shahpur and there were no workshops or garages around. I opened bonnet and found entire diesel (of INR 2000) got leaked. I had taken pics on my iphone and if required it will be shared with date and time to concerned people. I had no option but to drag my car to nearest corner. My wife pushed my car at 1 o clock of night and you can imagine how unsafe it was at middle of highway. I called up that guy who did servicing but his phone was switched off. I sent him pics on whatsapp. After much difficulty I had taken uber back to our home at Thane. You can imagine how pathetic situation we had gone through. I was with my mother, wife and children and reached back home at around 3.15 of night. Next day the guy who did servicing called me and apologised and assured help but by that time I had got it corrected through some local garage there but he asked me to get it corrected properly in spear time as Engine Light was on. I told your guy who did my servicing that I am facing pickup problem since than and also engine light was on. He asked me to bring car to him. I was occupied in Nashik till 20th Dec and returned Mumbai on 20thnight and on 21st I had to fly to Dubai. When I returned back from Dubai I again called up that guy but his phone was coming off. That is when for the first time I lodged complaint with Go Mechanic Customer care and got in touch with Swati. Swati asked me to go and visit some workshop of gomechanic at Thane but by that time I shifted my base from Thane to Nashik completely. I asked her if Go Mechanic has any presence in Nashik but she denied any presence and asked to visit Thane Workshop. Within next 2-3 days during my travel to Thane, I called her and I was asked to visit workshop near Tikuchi Wadi near Hiranandani Meadows. That workshop guy drove car for some distance but said that he doesn’t find any problem in car and said that reason for engine light has to be thoroughly checked. I asked him to check but he was occupied and asked to visit next time. I had to rush back to nashik same day so could not go back to him next day. Situation of my car become worse and my car was not going beyond speed of 60-70 kmph. I again called Swati when I was in Kalyan next time and she asked me to visit Kalyan workshop. I appreciate support from Swati as she is alway helpfull in getting things coordinated. Kalyan workshop found out few faults after through scanning and asked me to change few parts. I communicated the same with Swati.
Than Mr. Amit came in picture and spoke to me for the first time for 45 mintues on 3rd Feb, 21. He tried hard to convince me that problem is not because of Go Mechanic and technicalities and all but he was not trying to understand situation, flow of my case and pain I have gone through. He actually wanted me to pay for these expenses which was ethically wrong. After lot of debate he asked me to go to Kalyan workshop next day and will help me resolve my issue. He assured me resolution without expense. Next day I gave my vehicle to Kalyan workshop. on 2nd Feb my grandma was taking her last breaths at Kalyan and was waiting for my partents to come from Nashik. After best of efforts my car was not crossing speed of 70kmph which annoyed me badly. On 4th Feb also when I was required for rituals, I had to waste 1 hour at workshop while taking my car back because of lack of coordination among go mechanic team on who will bear expenses. It was very very annoying. After wasting 1 hour my car was released by around 9 o clock of night. After completing rituals, I had to drive back to Nashik. Just after driving back around 20-30 kms after taking my car from your Kalyan workshop, engine light was back again. I sent pic of same to Nikhil of your Kalyan workshop immediately but there was no response from him.
One thing I had learned by than that only Ms. Swati was the one who knew my case flow and was ready to atleast listen and understand my concern. I called her next day to inform about engine light and she again asked me to bring back vehicle to Kalyan workshop and show it to them for scanning. I told her that I will show it during my next visit in around a week. On 12thFebruary, 21 I was driving back to Kalyan for some rituals of my Grandma and to show my car at your workshop and one more time my car broke down at baapgaon around 15 kms before Kalyan at highway.
I immediately called Swati for help and she connected me to Mr. Amit who completely denied any help telling that gomechanic doesn’t have any presence around the area I was stuck.
I helplessly spent 2-3 hours in that extreme hot waiting for some help from one or the other guy. I placed my wife and kid at near dhaba which was very shabby but I didn’t had any option. I took lift after lot of pain and efforts and was able to locate one garage. He took almost 1-2 hours just to realise that car cannot be started immediately and will have to be toed to his garage. I booked cab for my wife and kid and waited for my vehicle to be toed. I was there till evening 6-7 and waited for 4-5 hours to see what is wrong with my car. I missed important rituals of my grandma as I was stuck badly. I could not keep my car with strangers just like that. But after waiting for 4-5 hours I didn’t hand any choice but to leave my car in that situation at that odd area in that garage.
Now, you tell me what was my fault??
1. Believing in Gomechanic and giving my only car for routine servicing?
2. Patiently wait for gomechanic that my issue would be resolved without any escalation?
I was really waiting patiently but now I am left with no option but to write to you as my car is standing at same strange location not getting started till the time I am writing this mail. And there is no response or help from gomechanic even after seeking same badly.
I am giving you 12 hours to answer my below given points or I will be left with no option but to go legally and try every available options to publish my pain including my media friends. I will go all out to write this painful experience on all social media platforms:
My Points:
1. If some mistake happened from GOMECHANIC workshop during routine servicing, why at the first go my car was called back at some responsible workshop to resolve issue once and all? Why I have to keep following up even after such a painful episode?
2. How people like Mr. Amit bluntly reply to me that gomechanic can’t help at any location whereby I am suffering badly with my family because of mistake of only and only gomechanic?? Are they not trained enough to feel pain of customer and help to resolve issue once and all?
3. How can company like yours play carelessly with important asset like car???? If I had to give my car for servicing, I could have given it anywhere locally, just because I thought gomechanic is a brand, I trusted and handed over my car. Or otherwise my car is serviced only and only at Maruti Authorised service centre.
4. Just after few hours after my car came back from servicing I started facing the issues I have mentioned like blinking of engine light, lost of pick up and break down. It is very much obvious that either the guy who took my car for servicing has replaced one or other parts of my engine and car or he has mismanaged badly with internal stuff of my car. Who will bear loss for that?
5. Who will bear cost I have gone through because of multiple breakdowns and other pains I have gone through?
6. Who will bear cost for emotional pain I have gone through?
7. Is this the way customers are handled with your company?
8. With what face I am asked to pay for any issue arised because of problems arised because of GOMECHANIC?
9. My car is parked at some odd workshop since 12thFeb, 21. Breakdown was reported to Amit and Swati and nobody has bothered to even ask if my issue is resolved or not?? Do you people just wait for client to complaint? There is no courtesy by any representative of GOMECHANIC to check if client has reached back safely or not? Whether car has shown some response or not?
I am giving my car back to Authorised Maruti workshop for thorough scanning and checking by tomorrow. I have arranged toeing and reported them entire pain. I cannot take chance anymore with my car which is only 2 and half years old.
I expect GOMECHANIC management to go through my pain thoroughly, take action against concerned people and workshop, compensate for losses I have gone though and correct your systems so that other customer is not handled the way I am handled.
Looking for your immediate response.
Kamlesh Rohra
LIFE UP kamrohra@gmail.com
Feb 18, 2021, 9:32 AM
to nitinrana, info
Mr. Rana,
Is there anyone who can reply on behalf of Company or I assume that even management is least bothered about customers??
Highly Highly Disappointed,
Kamlesh Rohra
Kamlesh Rohra kamrohra@gmail.com
Feb 27, 2021, 11:04 PM
to nitinrana, info
Remainder 1
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 18, 2021, at 9:32 AM, LIFE UP <kamrohra@gmail.com> wrote:
GoMechanic Info info@gomechanic.in
Mar 6, 2021, 3:56 PM
to Marouf, Janvi, me
Hi Kamlesh
Sorry for the inconvenience you faced but would like to explain that we haven’t denied support ever.
We always had the same approach towards every escalation you notified us of.
We can understand the struggle you had faced, but it’s not because of something like, we mishandled your vehicle or didn’t diagnose it properly.
You can check in your invoice that remarks are already mentioned which are related to engine mounting, engine noise, suspension weak, and body noise-related issues. These particular things can lead to any failure as problems hadn’t been resolved properly. As we didn’t get enough time as well approval from your side.
For service assistance, the part would like to tell you that when the first time you reported a breakdown, the workshop person immediately communicated with you and apologized for the same. Also by understanding the fact of loss of fuel which you have specifically mentioned in an amount up to 2000₹, is already refunded to you through Google Pay.
Secondly, when We connected with you and also tried to explain the same thing that we have done comprehensive service which is not relevant to electronic issues your vehicle had that time, but just because we never want our customers to suffer in any terms we compensated the replacement of O2 sensors, and Throttle body cleaning, worth 12000₹, and Our relevant teammate personally communicated with you while delivering the vehicle and got confirmation from your side that vehicle is running as per your expectations.
Third, when you called him and shared the location, where your vehicle broke down, He had tried to explain to you and requested to please take your vehicle to our nearest outlet from the location your vehicle was a breakdown, because we don’t have any other options to help you on that particular location.
We tried to help you out in every circumstance with all possible prospective,
Team GoMechanic
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LIFE UP kamrohra@gmail.com
Mar 9, 2021, 3:43 PM
to nitinrana, GoMechanic, Marouf, Janvi
Dear GoMechani Team,
It took you 20 days to revert on customers complaint and that even after repeated followup and you people are talking about customer support? This actually shows quality of support you have given. I literally had to chase Jhanvi and Swati to get this reply.
Inspite of mental and physical stress, I was trying to keep my patience and was asking for reimbursement of the amount spent by me. I know it will take good amount of money to go legally and to print my story on different digital platforms but your above reply shows that you are least bothered to understand customers point of view and are focused to put the problems I have faced in your own technical terms and language. Still I am giving you one more chance to settle my claim or expenses I have incurred because of GoMechanic and I will close this case. Being from middle class category doesn’t allow me to take up such unwanted expenses because of mistake of gomechanic. But if messed up unethically, I will leave no stone unturned to go to any level to get justice.
Let me reply to your mail point by point:
Sorry for the inconvenience you faced but would like to explain that we haven’t denied support ever – When I had to give my vehicle for servicing, you people sent person to my home to get it picked up and when I needed you on multiple occasions you always asked me to take vehicle to nearest station without even caring how customer will bring the vehicle at odd times when car broke down?? It was your responsibility to get it picked and correct at first go itself when car broke down for the first time on 16thDecember and diesel was flowing like water and going in parts of engine. (I have video and if required, I will send it to concerned people). I called up your workstation guy at 9833226979 but his phone was switched off when the car broke down immediately after coming from comprehensive servicing..
We always had the same approach towards every escalation you notified us of. – May be you didn’t notice how hard I had to follow up for each and every followup and revert. I have each and every communication on whatsapp and few recorded calls where I was taken for granted completely by different people of your company.
We can understand the struggle you had faced, but it’s not because of something like, we mishandled your vehicle or didn’t diagnose it properly – Wow, now this is coincidence that when my vehicle came out of your garage and on very same day just after driving around 40kms it broke down and diesel was flowing in different parts of engine like shower. Was that not a mishandling??
You can check in your invoice that remarks are already mentioned which are related to engine mounting, engine noise, suspension weak, and body noise-related issues. These particular things can lead to any failure as problems hadn’t been resolved properly. As we didn’t get enough time as well approval from your side. – Very fine running car, coming to GoMechanic workshop just for 6-7 hours for routine servicing. Breaking down within 3-4 hours after coming back from workshop and problems started happening immediately after that. Strange, isn’t it??Your workshop guy who came to return my vehicle just informed me of suspension work to be done.. And I agreed and told him that we will get it done once I am back from Dubai. If he changes any part at his workshop and then mentions 10 new remarks, you expect me to digest it??
For service assistance, the part would like to tell you that when the first time you reported a breakdown, the workshop person immediately communicated with you and apologized for the same. Also by understanding the fact of loss of fuel which you have specifically mentioned in an amount up to 2000₹, is already refunded to you through Google Pay – When I tried to communicate to your workshop person immediately after breakdown, his phone was switched off. He apologized next day and refund me INR 2000 for the diesel I had lost which has to be obvious. By the time he called next day, I had already got it started. Even in morning when I was leaving for shahpur I called him to get it corrected, his phone was off again. What you expect me to do in such circumstance??
Secondly, when We connected with you and also tried to explain the same thing that we have done comprehensive service which is not relevant to electronic issues your vehicle had that time, but just because we never want our customers to suffer in any terms we compensated the replacement of O2 sensors, and Throttle body cleaning, worth 12000₹, and Our relevant teammate personally communicated with you while delivering the vehicle and got confirmation from your side that vehicle is running as per your expectations – Lemme inform you that after the car returned from your workshop after 16thDecember, 20, all my car and screen timings and settings of car were altered. I didn’t inform may be I thought it is not relevant. Secondly, you are not trying to understand the fact that after that first breakdown diesel got leaked into entire parts of engine and front parts. Immediately after that engine light got popped up, which was informed to your workshop guy immediately. Pickup of car got dropped and things started to get worsen. Same was communicated to you people in advance. On your recommendation, car was given to your Kalyan workstation. For 30-40 kms after taking car from Kalyan workstation, it was running ok but immediately after that while returning, engine light got popped up again which was communicated to Swati, Janvi and that workshop guy Nikhil immediately (have whatsapp image). Swati asked me to show it to workshop during my next visit to Kalyan. And during my next visit, car broke down again at highway
Third, when you called him and shared the location, where your vehicle broke down, He had tried to explain to you and requested to please take your vehicle to our nearest outlet from the location your vehicle was a breakdown, because we don’t have any other options to help you on that particular location – who ever has responded to my mail should know work ethics that if some customer is facing very rough problems because of some mishandling because of your workshop or your people, you are bound to help in whatever situation. Which has not happened during 1stbreakdown as well as second breakdown. You expect me to take car which is already broken down to your location around 40kms far when my family was with me at odd times and also when it broke down because of fault of yours. WOW!!!!
We tried to help you out in every circumstance with all possible prospective,
In spite of showing courtesy on the problems I have gone through because of YOUR SO CALLED COMPREHENSIVE SERVICING, you are trying to tell me that you have helped me in a best possible way??
How the car is in perfect condition after giving it to Maruti Workstation??????????? Strange, isn’t it??
Maruti people told me that few parts were replaced with original and they have changed it with original to correct my car in a perfect way.
I will expect compensation max in 2-3 days and this time I will not wait for 20 days for your response to come. (Attached is list of expenses I have incurred)
I have had enough patience to take your so called good service.
Kamlesh Rohra
+91 9920043220
Attachments area
Mar 14, 2021, 6:00 PM
Swati, Resending you mail as told by you that you have not received same. Regards, Kamlesh
LIFE UP kamrohra@gmail.com
Apr 6, 2021, 2:33 PM
to arjun, GoMechanic, Marouf, Janvi, nitinrana
This is one last mail I am sending before going through legally.
I have all recorded calls with Swati and Jhanvi and the mess I have gone through because of GoMechanic.
Arjunji, I am just marking you in CC to let you know the case and will speak to you separately on this today evening. These people are not even reverting to complaint in appropriate way. Just one irrelavant response and that is also after 20 days after repeated remainders
I will wait for final 24 hours for peaceful resolution or I will be left with no option.
source: quora
Vishal Gupta, lived in East of Kailash
Beware guys… Be very very aware from them….
They are thieves. Steal the parts and replace original car parts with faulty ones and then ask huge money.
Gunde baithe hain workshop pe. Gundagardi karte hain.
Dont send your car if you love your car.
Inki workshop road side dukaan hai aur mechanic ko auto repair karna nahi aata.. frauds and cheats.. i have full record of their owner’s false claims and then blackmailing me by holding back my car…
Anyone wants more information can inbox me and i can share all the screenshots of car and chats which their team promise.
Ghatiya log and ghatiya service. Meri honda CRV puri damage kar di. Naa mechanic aur naa workshop bas online query generate karke logo ko bevkoof bana rahe hain..
Swapnil Vedak, Category Manager at Croma
My experience with GoMechanic was definitely not good. Its a startup which has tied up with several local car mechanics and they earn by earning x% of the repair/service cost. Having said that, I understand it’s difficult to make sure these local mechanics are following the promises given by GoMechanic.
I got my car serviced on 26th Dec2019 from GoMechanic’s registered garage “Car carer” in Thane, Mumbai and I am extremely unhappy with the service.
I opted for a standard service.no:20191226167383
Two issues that I faced were conveniently ignored by Mr. Vivek from service team.
1. After service I noticed, the AC started even when the knob is at off position. Pls note this issue surfaced only after servicing.
2. AC cabin filter which the garage claimed was cleaned still had a lot of dust in it. I myself cleaned it and even e-mailed them a video supporting the claim.
I drove to the garage just to find out it’s a small tin shed garage with teenage learners servicing the cars. Just one differentiator – GoMechanic logos all over their machinery.
Mr. Vivek from customer service team had zero sense of customer issue resolution. He said I would have to pay extra for the AC knob issue now and the AC cabin filter issue can’t be resolved since the garage is saying it was cleaned. The simple AC cabin filter dust issue shook my trust in GoMechanic and even made me doubt more on the genuinity of their service.
Till date(9th March 2020), I haven’t even received a reply from their customer service team even after follow-up mails.
Pls don’t get fooled by the paper branding they will put on the car floor mats or the wax they would apply on the dashboard. Real servicing of the car is what happens beneath the hood.
And the best way to make sure, is have a trustworthy local mechanic through some reference service your car.
*Update after a year- No reply from gomechanic! Also now I have a trustworthy local mechanic who probably values his customers more than Gomechanic!
Nabila Km, works at Studying
If you love your car please do not choose go mechanic. My experience was totally bad !!!. at first I had a service with go mechanic, it cost me 28550/-. when they delivered my car the ABS sticker was gone !!!. I was ignored that error because sticker will cost 100 bucks. They damaged my back camera and its wiring system. !!! When I told them to rectify it, they said it will rectify on next service without any cost. There was some pending works remains due to spare non availability. After a while I gave my car for a second service to rectify my car boot space. That service cost me 18050/- . last Friday they delivered my car by rectifying all the pending repairs and they created new damages. They didn’t rectified my camera issues created by them and added new damages. My car key was damaged and central lock system was not working. !!!! I lost my trust with go mech ernakulam team & I went to a camera shop to repair it. They said the entire wiring is gone and the camera was damaged due to the carelessness while doing the welding on the boot space. it cost me 3000/- for new wiring and camera installation.I went to Key shop to rectify the lock system and the key. The key tech repaired my key for 500/- and he said visit any electrical shop to resolve the central lock system… I went to electric shop to resolve the issue. The electrician said the entire central lock system & the module is gone. He rectified it by taking 6hrs and 2750/- So I lost 3000+500+2750 = 6250/- only because to go mechanic stupids..WOW go mechanic !!..I am so proud of your damage creating service for cars !!…Keep up the spirit Go mechanic…
Today :
I am travelling from kochi to Kollam after 164km travelled, my car engine warning sign is on ( Diesel engine pre glow warning light ) and my car is automatically shutting down when I switch from first gear to second gear… MY CAR ENGINE IS COMPLETE DAMAGED AND I AM MIDDLE OF THE ROAD NOW !!!!! Go mechanic has damaged my car engine after paying all these amounts to the useless go mechanic team !!!! Now I am at chadayamangalam MC road & my cars engine is not working
Before giving my car to go mechanic team we used to go for long drives and car didn’t have any problem as a part of service we gave our car to them now we can’t use our car for long drives they are not actually rectifying the problem instead they create problems I kindly request customers not to choose go mechanic either choose company service or go with some good local workshops…..the workshops which are having association with ho mechanic team are those who don’t have much customers and those who are go for nothing teams…..pls pls pls pls not to choose GoMechanic…. We are fed up with them…..good for nothing team……Pakka bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!fraudulent teams!!!!!
Comments (1)
Never Ever give your car to go mechanic.
I am attaching mail I had sent to them which was answered after 20 days of repeated remainders. And response was pathetic and irrelevant:
The Concerned,
GoMechanic – Car Services Made Smart
GoMechanic is India’s largest network of 500+ car service centers across Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi NCR, Chennai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad & Chandigarh & more.
Compensation & response against Problem Faced because of Go Mechanic Team to handle my Maruti Dezire car number – MH05 DS2224
Dear Sir,
I would like to bring to your notice the type of pathetic service and resolution given by GOMECHANIC because of which I faced worst experience of my life. I am expecting very strong action against people who are involved in handling my case very carelessly and would expect immediate compensation.
It all started when one of my friend recommended me to try routine service (4th one) through GOMECHANIC as he had very good experience with Go Mechanic team. My 4th service was due and after lockdown I didn’t want to go out at all and wanted to have hand to hand service and my friend asked me to try GOMECHANIC . I had impression that go mechanic is very big brand and have their own service stations across country. If I was aware that GOMECHANIC is just an aggregator and don’t have mechanic on roles like Maruti, I would have never given my car to GOMECHANIC. My car was single handed and very nicely maintained. So that is how for the first time I gave my Vehicle for servicing to GOMECHANIC on 16th December, 2020. Car was returned to me after servicing by late evening as assured as I had to go to Nashik (I have bought home at Nashik and paper work was going on).
From very first day I started experiencing pathetic Service of GOMECHANIC. My car broke down during my way to Nashik by late night 12.30 on the very same day it returned from servicing when I was travelling with my family. It was showing engine light and than had few jerks and it stopped. It was not getting started. I got stuck in midst of highway around Shahpur and there were no workshops or garages around. I opened bonnet and found entire diesel (of INR 2000) got leaked. I had taken pics on my iphone and if required it will be shared with date and time to concerned people. I had no option but to drag my car to nearest corner. My wife pushed my car at 1 o clock of night and you can imagine how unsafe it was at middle of highway. I called up that guy who did servicing but his phone was switched off. I sent him pics on whatsapp. After much difficulty I had taken uber back to our home at Thane. You can imagine how pathetic situation we had gone through. I was with my mother, wife and children and reached back home at around 3.15 of night. Next day the guy who did servicing called me and apologised and assured help but by that time I had got it corrected through some local garage there but he asked me to get it corrected properly in spear time as Engine Light was on. I told your guy who did my servicing that I am facing pickup problem since than and also engine light was on. He asked me to bring car to him. I was occupied in Nashik till 20th Dec and returned Mumbai on 20thnight and on 21st I had to fly to Dubai. When I returned back from Dubai I again called up that guy but his phone was coming off. That is when for the first time I lodged complaint with Go Mechanic Customer care and got in touch with Swati. Swati asked me to go and visit some workshop of gomechanic at Thane but by that time I shifted my base from Thane to Nashik completely. I asked her if Go Mechanic has any presence in Nashik but she denied any presence and asked to visit Thane Workshop. Within next 2-3 days during my travel to Thane, I called her and I was asked to visit workshop near Tikuchi Wadi near Hiranandani Meadows. That workshop guy drove car for some distance but said that he doesn’t find any problem in car and said that reason for engine light has to be thoroughly checked. I asked him to check but he was occupied and asked to visit next time. I had to rush back to nashik same day so could not go back to him next day. Situation of my car become worse and my car was not going beyond speed of 60-70 kmph. I again called Swati when I was in Kalyan next time and she asked me to visit Kalyan workshop. I appreciate support from Swati as she is alway helpfull in getting things coordinated. Kalyan workshop found out few faults after through scanning and asked me to change few parts. I communicated the same with Swati.
Than Mr. Amit came in picture and spoke to me for the first time for 45 mintues on 3rd Feb, 21. He tried hard to convince me that problem is not because of Go Mechanic and technicalities and all but he was not trying to understand situation, flow of my case and pain I have gone through. He actually wanted me to pay for these expenses which was ethically wrong. After lot of debate he asked me to go to Kalyan workshop next day and will help me resolve my issue. He assured me resolution without expense. Next day I gave my vehicle to Kalyan workshop. on 2nd Feb my grandma was taking her last breaths at Kalyan and was waiting for my partents to come from Nashik. After best of efforts my car was not crossing speed of 70kmph which annoyed me badly. On 4th Feb also when I was required for rituals, I had to waste 1 hour at workshop while taking my car back because of lack of coordination among go mechanic team on who will bear expenses. It was very very annoying. After wasting 1 hour my car was released by around 9 o clock of night. After completing rituals, I had to drive back to Nashik. Just after driving back around 20-30 kms after taking my car from your Kalyan workshop, engine light was back again. I sent pic of same to Nikhil of your Kalyan workshop immediately but there was no response from him.
One thing I had learned by than that only Ms. Swati was the one who knew my case flow and was ready to atleast listen and understand my concern. I called her next day to inform about engine light and she again asked me to bring back vehicle to Kalyan workshop and show it to them for scanning. I told her that I will show it during my next visit in around a week. On 12thFebruary, 21 I was driving back to Kalyan for some rituals of my Grandma and to show my car at your workshop and one more time my car broke down at baapgaon around 15 kms before Kalyan at highway.
I immediately called Swati for help and she connected me to Mr. Amit who completely denied any help telling that gomechanic doesn’t have any presence around the area I was stuck.
I helplessly spent 2-3 hours in that extreme hot waiting for some help from one or the other guy. I placed my wife and kid at near dhaba which was very shabby but I didn’t had any option. I took lift after lot of pain and efforts and was able to locate one garage. He took almost 1-2 hours just to realise that car cannot be started immediately and will have to be toed to his garage. I booked cab for my wife and kid and waited for my vehicle to be toed. I was there till evening 6-7 and waited for 4-5 hours to see what is wrong with my car. I missed important rituals of my grandma as I was stuck badly. I could not keep my car with strangers just like that. But after waiting for 4-5 hours I didn’t hand any choice but to leave my car in that situation at that odd area in that garage.
Now, you tell me what was my fault??
1. Believing in Gomechanic and giving my only car for routine servicing?
2. Patiently wait for gomechanic that my issue would be resolved without any escalation?
I was really waiting patiently but now I am left with no option but to write to you as my car is standing at same strange location not getting started till the time I am writing this mail. And there is no response or help from gomechanic even after seeking same badly.
I am giving you 12 hours to answer my below given points or I will be left with no option but to go legally and try every available options to publish my pain including my media friends. I will go all out to write this painful experience on all social media platforms:
My Points:
1. If some mistake happened from GOMECHANIC workshop during routine servicing, why at the first go my car was called back at some responsible workshop to resolve issue once and all? Why I have to keep following up even after such a painful episode?
2. How people like Mr. Amit bluntly reply to me that gomechanic can’t help at any location whereby I am suffering badly with my family because of mistake of only and only gomechanic?? Are they not trained enough to feel pain of customer and help to resolve issue once and all?
3. How can company like yours play carelessly with important asset like car???? If I had to give my car for servicing, I could have given it anywhere locally, just because I thought gomechanic is a brand, I trusted and handed over my car. Or otherwise my car is serviced only and only at Maruti Authorised service centre.
4. Just after few hours after my car came back from servicing I started facing the issues I have mentioned like blinking of engine light, lost of pick up and break down. It is very much obvious that either the guy who took my car for servicing has replaced one or other parts of my engine and car or he has mismanaged badly with internal stuff of my car. Who will bear loss for that?
5. Who will bear cost I have gone through because of multiple breakdowns and other pains I have gone through?
6. Who will bear cost for emotional pain I have gone through?
7. Is this the way customers are handled with your company?
8. With what face I am asked to pay for any issue arised because of problems arised because of GOMECHANIC?
9. My car is parked at some odd workshop since 12thFeb, 21. Breakdown was reported to Amit and Swati and nobody has bothered to even ask if my issue is resolved or not?? Do you people just wait for client to complaint? There is no courtesy by any representative of GOMECHANIC to check if client has reached back safely or not? Whether car has shown some response or not?
I am giving my car back to Authorised Maruti workshop for thorough scanning and checking by tomorrow. I have arranged toeing and reported them entire pain. I cannot take chance anymore with my car which is only 2 and half years old.
I expect GOMECHANIC management to go through my pain thoroughly, take action against concerned people and workshop, compensate for losses I have gone though and correct your systems so that other customer is not handled the way I am handled.
Looking for your immediate response.
Kamlesh Rohra
LIFE UP kamrohra@gmail.com