Book Name: Artificial Intelligence: A Shadow of Human Intelligence
Author: iamitmm
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Publisher: Indischen Corporation
Pages: 57
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How to live with artificial intelligence?

How artificial intelligence will change our lives?

In truth, banks, insurance companies and human resources departments can already test effective decision support systems to manage wealth, calculate premiums and select CVs. Self-driving cars have been roaming california’s roads for years. While the post-baccalaureate admission algorithm (which led to the draw of some baccalaureate graduates of the class of 2017 for a place in college) has not finished making people cringe.

India is using AI for COVID-19 vacination

Union Budget 2021 allocated about Rs 64,000 crore to boost the healthcare infrastructure in the country. Until last year, artificial intelligence accounted for only 1.9 percent of India’s healthcare industry. Now, more than ever, we are facing a dire need for technology intervention in the country’s health tech ecosystem.

Organisations are leveraging machine learning, software-as-a-service and data analytics etc to fight the ongoing pandemic.

Madurai and Telangana are using AI technology to track mask violators. Video analytic software parse data feeds from CCTVS in public places to detect people violating Health Department protocols. Until November, Madurai City Police had booked close to 47,000 people and collected close to Rs 89 lakh in fines.

Pune-based startup Glimpse Analytics has been using AI to alert commercial stores and offices of social distancing violations during the pandemic.

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