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This free advanced SEO strategies course will teach you different technical, social and mobile strategies with which to increase website traffic .

You will learn how to perform SEO for all types of audiences by optimizing content for local search engines. You will also discover some techniques to optimize the website for mobile devices and take advantage of social networks to boost organic SEO.

On the other hand, you will learn to identify the key SEO metrics with which to collect the information you need to interpret it properly.

By the end of the course, you will have learned the following:

  • How to find and fix problems , increase visibility, improve site architecture, and speed up page load speeds within your own website. 
  • Develop compelling strategies to launch a global web  marketing campaign.
  • Use tools to provide insightful data to assess your competition. 
  • Perform data analysis to provide value to stakeholders. 

This course is free and created and taught by the University of California, Davis . Its students and alumni stand out for their academic excellence and a vocation for significant public service with international impact.

Who is this advanced SEO strategies course for?

The course is designed for all those who want to start in the world of web positioning (see free SEO courses ). Therefore, the course will be of interest to entrepreneurs , Community Manager and marketing students .

However, you must have a good level of English , since the course is taught in this language ( see free English courses ). However, it has subtitles in Spanish and other languages .

On the other hand, you will need to have a computer with a stable Internet connection to be able to access all the course content.

What will you learn in this advanced SEO strategies course?

The course is taught by Professor Dave Lloyd, who is a Senior Manager in Global Search Marketing , it takes approximately 25 hours and our recommendation to complete it is that you work at your own pace.

The topics covered in this advanced SEO strategies course are the following:


  • Analysis to globalize your website .
  • Get the most out of mobile and app SEO .
  • Discover the most important metrics to drive growth.

Access to the advanced SEO strategies course

Access the advanced SEO strategies course taught by the University of California, Davis . Both registration and participation in this specialized program are enabled completely free of charge . 

At the end of the course you will be able to obtain a certificate of participation as long as you complete all the learning modules and pass the final questionnaire of the course. You must pay an additional fee of €74 to the  University of California, Davis for the issuance of the certification. Even so, you have the possibility of taking it completely free of charge with a scholarship at this link.  

You can also participate as a listener in this course for free. You will have access to the materials without graded assignments, but not the ability to earn a certificate.

Top Educational Centers in Local Places

Rome, Florence, and Venice are cities in Italy known for their rich history, culture, and arts. There are several educational centers in these cities that offer a range of programs and courses in various subjects, including art, history, and culture. Some popular educational centers in these cities include:

  1. Rome:
  2. Florence:
  3. Venice:
    • Scuola Lorenzo de’ Medici: An Italian language school in Florence, with a branch in Venice. Website: https://www.scuol
    • Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia: A fine arts academy offering programs in painting, sculpture, and restoration. Website:

Note: The above mentioned centers are just a few examples, and there are many more educational centers in these cities offering a wide range of programs. You can find more information and contacts by visiting their websites or by contacting them directly.

Community Manager : Job Role and Course

This Community Manager course explains how this figure was born. At first, when companies began to have an online presence , they did not suspect the importance of the Internet. Here we can collect the opinions of consumers who leave on the network.

At first they were unaware of the conversations that were taking place on the Internet about brands and products . Therefore, they were unaware of the perception of them abroad until the figure of the Community Manager was born .

Today most companies have a corporate website . In them we can find a catalog of products and links to social networks .

Studies in Community Manager online

The boom in online social networks has demanded the presence of a new figure in companies, the Community Manager . This new professional has a fundamental role in the management and revitalization of user communities . The purposes are commercial and to attract new customers .

It is the face of a brand and the voice of a company that has an image in the virtual world. The Community Manager is the person in charge of managing and moderating conversations on social networks . For example, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc. on behalf of the brand.

This Community Manager course is designed to train managers of virtual communities . The objective is for students to know how to draw up their own successful online marketing plan . As well as, improve the online reputation of the organization. The Community Manager has to make the most of the resources offered by social networks.

The types of Community Manager

The new 2.0 communication environment works together with two types of roles. These are the facilitator and the strategist .

The facilitator figure is that of the Community Manager who, as his own name indicates, is in charge of activating a community. You must have a solid knowledge of 2.0 technologies . And also manage marketing plans by being creative and decisive.

The Social Media Manager or SMM is in charge of establishing the global strategy to communicate on the network. That is to say, he is the one who is in charge of designing and planning the strategy and the campaign that is going to be followed in the Social Media. His job is to bring an entrepreneurial approach to social media.

How to manage social networks

This Community Manager course provides the necessary knowledge so that the student is prepared to interact with the community in social networks . This has been formed around the profile of the brand for which he works.

Unfortunately this interaction is not always going to generate positive comments . They may even lead to some negative reviews . The range of possibilities is very large. Sometimes they are users dissatisfied with a product looking for a solution. But they can also be Internet users who make disqualification their way of life.

However, the Community Manage r program equips the participants so that they can carry out management in social networks in the face of an adverse situation of this type. Also to be able to offer a solution to the problem.

It is convenient for these clients to have a space on our playing field, where they feel listened to and where they receive a first-hand corporate response . The client interacts with the Community Manager because it is his link with the brand. We will see that if the experience turns out to be pleasant, it will help to build loyalty.

The functions of the Community Manager

The functions of the Community Manager are also covered . Participants will be able to build, manage and energize communities around a firm and will know how to keep up to date with everything that is said on the web about it. In other words, they will have privileged information about the external perception of the brand and can use it to propose improvements.

With this program, the student will know how to get involved in all the plans and strategies of the organization. You will be aware of the evolution of the projects , of the exits of possible products to the market and of giving solutions in the social networks. He is going to become a fundamental piece in the company due to the responsibility that comes with it.

They will also acquire a high capacity for analysis that may question some aspects of the company’s strategy . Always from the positive point of view of proposing improvements and not from an attitude of continuous criticism.

The purpose of social networks

The objective of social networks at the business level is to improve brand awareness and your online corporate reputation . That is why every day more companies invest in the management of their presence on the Internet.

The effectiveness of social networks depends on the way in which you participate. Users are usually in their leisure time and the form of communication must be adapted to this circumstance. There are many companies that publish aggressively and repetitively on certain social networks, achieving the opposite effect than expected. They usually receive little feedback from users .

Students will acquire knowledge to use market research techniques such as the conversion funnel . This concept is also called the purchase funnel or conversion funnel . The results will tell us what steps the customer has followed to reach the purchase or to achieve a specific goal.

monitoring tools

The actions of the Community Manager vary depending on the characteristics of the company for which he works. The monitoring results will determine the necessary adjustments to take into account to correct or strengthen online actions.

Depending on the social network that we are interested in monitoring , the Community Manager course will equip students to be able to use certain specific tools. For example, there are specific applications for Twitter that allow us to track hashtags , mentions and trending topics . Its great utility is based on the fact that in the microblogging network most of the profiles and conversations are open.

Monitoring tools specialized in Facebook will also be explained , in fact, it is one of the social networks that is most used to analyze data.

The student will also know how to stimulate the active participation of users by continuously creating debates of their interest. On the other hand, it will become a detector and facilitator of opportunities , that is, it becomes responsible for detecting the functional needs of each of the members or groups. He identifies especially active leaders and members.

The importance of having a Community Manager

Currently, the person who does not have an account on a social network is rare. Consumers share their experiences and opinions on the Internet. For this reason, companies are forced to have a presence on social networks.

The Community Manager is the one in charge of mediating between a company and brand and the consumer. Their role is essential in any type of organization. We all tend to search the Internet for information before consuming a product or service. Depending on the information we collect and the behavior of the organization we will make a decision.

This 50-hour training is a great opportunity to grow professionally. It is a highly demanded professional profile today. The Community Manager course is online, so many facilities are offered to organize study time.

The teachers are high quality professionals. They have a lot of experience and training. They have faced many types of situations working in that position. Therefore, they will teach students the most effective tools and techniques. In addition, they will monitor the evolution of the students throughout the learning process.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the students who have completed this training are very satisfied. They have had great job opportunities since the figure of the Community Manager is essential in any company. It is a great opportunity to grow professionally in any sector.

We encourage people interested in social media management to take this Community Manager course . Also to those who wish to update their knowledge in monitoring social networks. In just 50 hours you can become great professionals in social networks.


  • Know the functions and role of a Community Manager .
  • Learn to create, develop and maintain virtual communities through the acquisition of the necessary theoretical knowledge and the preparation and analysis of a series of cases and practical activities.
  • Detect trends in social networks and participate in them on behalf of your institution, bringing your brand image closer through them.

Subject 1. The profession of Community Manager.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Technological background.        
  3. Evolution of Social Media.
  4. Socialization.
  5. Definition of Community Manager (CM).

Topic 2. Skills and qualities of the Community Manager.

  1. Community Manager skills.
  2. What a Community Manager should never do.
  3. Community Manager skills based on their experience.
  4. Social Media Manager.
  5. Steps to build trust online.
  6. The new attitude of brands.

Subject 3. Functions of the Community Manager.

  1. Transformation of the business communication model.
  2. The Community Manager in practice.
  3. The Community Manager challenge.     
  4. Success stories in SMEs and large companies.

Topic 4. Effective platforms and tools.

  1. The effectiveness of social networks in sales.             
  2. Monitoring tools (I). First part.

Subject 5. Scope of activity of the Community Manager. 

  1. Monitoring tools (II). Second part.         
  2. Scope of activity.

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