90 percent of all USA and Europien companies now rely on social media , reports the  Google Trendz and Institute for Marketing statista .  That means: For a clear majority, the use of social networks is an   integral part of the marketing mix . 

Nevertheless  , many find it difficult  to identify the  right platform  or  platforms  and use them efficiently. Anyone who produces content past their own target group or does not reach them at all because they do not use the selected channel quickly gets the impression that social media does not “suit our company”.  

But we are certain: there are now suitable  platforms for every company, for every industry and for every target group . In our overview, you can find out  where which target group is  â€“ and why some supposedly unsuitable channels could  perhaps be exciting  for you  at second glance .  

The Mothership: Facebook 

Facebook is the oldest still relevant network. And even if it seems that  there is  not much going on here anymore: Appearances are deceptive. With 59  percent ,  Facebook is  still the top dog among the  other  major  social media channels.  

Who is Facebook ideal for?  

In short: For  all companies . Because nowadays a Facebook presence is just as  important  as a website . Certainly there are companies for which other platforms are better suited. Nevertheless, no company should do without a well- maintained Facebook presence. Various goals can be achieved on Facebook, from  branding  to  brand building to building  up  expert status .  

There are industries for which Facebook is particularly well suited . Here we present  a  few examples:   

E-commerce:  Facebook is ensnaring this e –  sector more and  more , and this seems to be a very clear focus in the future. In May 2020, the  new Facebook Shops function  was presented, which will in future enable companies to offer their own shop directly on the Facebook page. We will of course keep you informed of developments.  

Cities, municipalities, public institutions, further education institutions:  The target group on Facebook is very interested in these areas. Inform your target group about news, post your seminars as events  or moderate a  Facebook group .  

Gastronomy: Reserve tables via Messenger  or  find out about new menu items:  G astronomy has always been popular and successful on Facebook. Mobile research on the smartphone while on the go is practical and quick. In addition , the user reviews for local businesses are very useful here . Why should your restaurant be missing here?   

Companies with an older target audience  

 Anyone who only keeps an eye on a young audience in the social networks squanders the opportunity to retain  a  somewhat older  audience that is  usually more affluent  . While Facebook  has slipped out of focus for the very young, the 50+ generation has  long since  discovered Facebook as a  favorite pastime  and  information channel  . This target group is very active in interacting and networking. 

Aesthetics and lifestyle:  Instagram  

The be-all and end-all to be successful on Instagram :  You need  very good picture and /or  video material ! Captions and  hashtags  , while important, aren’t of much value without a good image  . Well-chosen hashtags may get you to the  Instagram  Explore page  ,  but  if  the associated visual (i.e. the image or video)  doesn’t appeal to anyone, nobody will click on it. In the center  of the  K   This is followed  by branding  and  image building . The  interaction rate  is very high.  

Who is Instagram ideal for?  

The usual suspects are representatives from the  fashion, lifestyle, beauty and  food sectors, but also  cars  and  sports . Here it is easy to produce appealing images, since the products  themselves often  have a “wow” factor. It is almost mandatory for these companies  to play on  the platform  .  

>>  But that doesn’t  mean that  other industries can’t score on Instagram too !  

Businesses that seem unsuitable at first glance  , let’s take a provider of further training seminars as an example , should  illuminate   their services or products  on the channel from a  different angle and create an Instagram – compatible  aesthetic  . That can   work great ! Precisely because the  competition here is not as high  as, for example, for a  cosmetics brand. Make good use of your  niche!  

The  e-commerce sector should always deal with Instagram.   

The Instagram  Shopping feature  is a great feature for online  stores that allows  you to create collections  and custom product detail pages   as well as tag products directly into  posts .    

Figure 1: Examples of Instagram shopping functions – Source: https://business.instagram.com/shopping/

Anyone who is mainly looking at sales and has been rather skeptical about Instagram up to that point has had an exciting feature at hand with the shopping function for some time  now, in order to push sales directly via the channel  . And the Instagram stories are also being equipped with more and more features that are interesting for marketers. This makes Instagram increasingly interesting for sales-driven campaigns – especially since it is still not possible to place links in Instagram posts.  

The B2B professionals:  XING and LinkedIn 

The two business networks are ideal for the  B2B sector . Those who are out and about here don’t want to see holiday pictures or chat privately, they want to  network  and exchange ideas professionally . The ideal prerequisite for getting involved as a company. It is irrelevant whether you want to  sell office furniture ,  advertise seminars  or  do employer branding  . Company  news is brought directly to interested users in the newsfeed on both platforms, and they frequently comment and share here. In addition to a basic version, both channels also offer a paid premium version , which offers , among other things, extended options for presenting companies, a more detailed search for contacts and companies and more information about profile visitors . 

What is the difference between the two platforms?  

XING  is a German company  and  is only used in  German-speaking countries  . LinkedIn  operates internationally  and is therefore the right choice for all companies that operate beyond the DACH region. But companies limited to the German-speaking  market  are also in good hands on LinkedIn, because the importance and use of the channel  is also  growing  in this country . Meanwhile  ,  over 16 million people in the DACH region use the  LinkedIn  platform .   

The video giant: YouTube 

Who is YouTube suitable for? The answer is short and simple: For everyone who  regularly produces video content , regardless of the industry. You should definitely collect and optimize your company videos (whether commercials, explanatory videos, tutorials or reports) in playlists on your own YouTube channel. Not least because users can also  use YouTube without registering  and the platform is also used  as a search engine  .  

It is even the second largest search engine after Google. It is therefore important to optimize the channel and the videos accordingly: create playlists, conduct keyword research, write SEO-relevant headlines and descriptive texts, create a clickable thumbnail (i.e. the preview image of the video) and use all the features provided by YouTube sensibly. Since YouTube is owned by Google, videos also show up there in regular search results .  


Pinterest is a comparatively small platform, but it  has made itself really comfortable in its niche (which also includes  seven million  active  users  in  Germany  ). If you want to score points on a manageable channel  that   has  dedicated , loyal and active users , Pinterest  is the right place for you.   

Who is Pinterest ideal for?  

Good image material is also the be-all and end-all here . The topics that Pinterest users are interested in  include  lifestyle – not unlike Instagram – but with a clear focus on  DIY and crafting , from jam-making to crocheting. Links  to  your own  website  can  be inserted into the pins – as the  posts  are called on Pinterest  . Products, in turn, can be provided with a  shop link  . This makes Pinterest a good  source  of traffic and conversions.   

The short message service:  Twitter 

Twitter is mainly used by  politicians and  celebrities  – at least that’s the public perception. But Twitter offers even more. In Germany, for example, public institutions and transport companies like to use Twitter as a  service to provide information about the latest news, answer questions from citizens or provide information about changes to the timetable.   

Who is Twitter ideal for ? 

“Fast and up-to-date”  is the motto on the short news channel. Companies that frequently have news or have questions about their products and services can set up Twitter as a very good  service  channel. You can also entertain your followers with  industry news  and stimulate discussions. Many Twitter users are very interested in  technology and digital topics , but also in  business, culture, politics and current affairs . Liftestyle can work, but here you should only consider Twitter as a supplementary channel.  

The Shooting Star: TikTok 

The video app TikTok is shaking up   the social media world with its rapidly growing number of users. The app has now been  downloaded 87 million times worldwide  ,  5 million of them in Germany . The target group is mainly teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18. But the so-called Millennials (20 to 30 years old) are also increasingly using the app.  

 Users can upload, edit and share videos accompanied by music on TikTok  . Hashtags are used to search and find   . Phenomena such as the “Challenge” format or the “Lip Sync” videos have long had cult status.  

Many companies are now asking themselves: Why should I use TikTok? The question should rather be: Why not? The young target group is open-minded, consumption-oriented and appreciates  creative hands-on content . The monthly  engagement rate is still at 70% . In addition, the platform promotes business customers with its  â€œTikTok for companies” offering  with specific marketing solutions. Particularly exciting: Companies can start a challenge by means of so-called  brand takeovers  using their own hashtags. The community thus becomes a co-creator of your content.  

Mercedes -Benz  is leading the way:  With the #MBStarChallenge campaign from December 2019,  Mercedes-Benz has been able to raise  a total of 890.5  million  to date . generate views. The community  should create their own interpretation of the Mercedes-Benz star   – whether on paper, with full physical effort or in their own way.      

Figure 2: Screenshot of the #MBStarChallenge campaign on Mercedes-Benz TikTok – Source: https://www.tiktok.com/tag/mbstarchallenge

You can also read more about the new popular platform  TikTok here: https://youtu.be/nDcnqGM1R9o

Social media advertising: possibilities, target groups, potential  

Social media advertising is now possible on all of the channels mentioned. You can soon read here on our blog  what exciting possibilities paid advertising in the social networks offers you, how the channels differ in terms  of features  and  target group possibilities . 

Would you like to add social media to your  marketing mix  and would you like professional support?  As a full-service internet  agency, we develop innovative  social media  concepts  for you and help you to achieve your individual marketing goals.     

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