Free course to learn how to grow your own brand, while getting more views and subscribers of your own videos and YouTube channel. In addition, the course is designed to offer you everything you need in:

  • Create Videos, Editing, Production and Rendering
  • Publish, Optimize (Seo) , Configure, Analytics and advanced options on YouTube
  • Monetization and Payments on Youtube | Adesnse
  • Create a Blog with Google Blogger
  • Learn methods to optimize video views and subscribers

In February 2005, the YouTube platform was created, which is currently the most visited video viewing and uploading site on the Internet.

It should be noted that this course is only available for free during the month of October, then it will become paid.

[See other free video editing and production courses ]

Who is the course for editing, monetizing and positioning YouTube videos aimed at?

This course is intended for both YouTubers struggling to grow their channel, and anyone who wants to create their own YouTube channel.

To participate in the course, it is not necessary to have prior knowledge of the topics to be discussed, what you will need is a computer with a stable internet connection.

What will you learn in the YouTube video management course?

Taught by the instructor Gustavo OG, this course has a duration of 59 classes, with a total of 4 hours and 13 minutes of video content.

To complete the course, at your disposal are all the necessary materials and resources, to which you will have access for life.

The topics to be covered throughout the course are:

  • Introduction and summary
  • First step on YouTube
  • Resources for Post-Production and content generation
  • Equipment and accessories that I use to record and lighting tips
  • Video creation, editing, production and rendering
  • Publishing, optimization (SEO), settings, analytics and advanced options
  • Create a blog with Boogle blogger
  • Monetization and payments
  • recommendations
  • Author’s words
  • spectacular bonuses

Access to the course to position YouTube videos

Access the course to position YouTube videos, following the previous link. Both registration and participation are enabled completely free of charge.

We remind you that this course is only available for free during the month of October 2019, then it will become paid.

Once you finish all the activities established within the course modules, you will be eligible for a certificate of participation and completion of your studies from Udemy.

If you want to continue learning, we show you this free course on the top 10 Internet tools.

Recording and Editing of Videos for Youtube

We start by getting to know the YouTube social network a bit . We review the main types of videos that we can find when creating videos for this social network.

Later, we analyze the main characteristics that the equipment with which we work must have, from camera, microphone, lighting and stage.

We review the types of plans that we can make and a basic lighting scheme for our channel .

We finish with a review of some of the editing programs and the formats with which we must work in order to publish our video without problems.

1. Introduction .

2. Types of videos .

3. Necessary equipment to record .

  • Choosing the stage.
  • The camera.
  • Sound.
  • The lighting.
  • Computer.

4.  Technical considerations for recording .

  • Script.
  • Plan types.
  • Lightning.

5. Video editing.


  • Study  basic concepts   related to  YouTube  and the types of videos that exist.
  • Know the necessary components that must integrate a team to be able to record .
  • Know  how to customize  the recording through various technical considerations .
  • Learn  strategies  to  manage  video editing .

Digital gender gap today

In the world there are five billion people who are Internet users . In other words, more than 60% of the world population has access to technology, although with notable differences depending on the territory. However, in addition to the imbalance caused by economic and territorial aspects, there are other social factors that limit their presence in this environment. Does the digital gender gap ring a bell ?

Discrimination based on gender is present in work environments . According to the INE , women only occupy 5.9% of the presidencies in Ibex 35 companies. In addition, they have less professional presence and, additionally, their contracts tend to be part-time. In short, the glass ceiling is a reality that we must continue to fight to put an end to.

However, to all of the above is added an imbalance in terms of the digital environment. That is, access to technological resources, literacy and jobs in the field of information technology.

Digital gender gap: what it is and how we perceive it

The digital divide is the inequality that people, companies or territories may suffer in terms of access to technological resources. In this sense, those affected lack digital skills or competencies in the use of ICTs.

If we extend this concept to the differences between men and women , the term digital gender gap appears. Although it may seem strange in the 21st century, there are not the same opportunities for both sexes. Furthermore, this can be aggravated by certain socio-cultural factors.

In short, today we will talk about the differences that women have compared to men in terms of access to ICT. Have you ever thought about this? Have you experienced this type of discrimination in the first person?

The three variants of the digital gender gap categorizes digital gender gaps into three types. These are three ways in which women can experience this discrimination in their daily lives. Below we explain them in detail.

Economic, educational and social difficulties

With the expansion of the Internet and ICT in the 1990s, the digital gender gap began to appear. In this context, economic resources are presented as a difficulty to access this new technology that had a high cost.

In addition to this, social factors make women relegated to other areas. There is almost no room for those who have an interest in learning about this area. Therefore, there is a double discrimination.

Digital skills training

Later, at the turn of the century, the lack of opportunities in the educational context became much more visible . Women are unable to receive training in digital skills. Therefore, women who are digitally illiterate multiply.

Tasks that are everyday today, such as surfing the net, are multiplied for them at that time. Added to this, of course, are other factors such as age or place of residence. However, at present this is becoming less frequent, especially in the younger age groups.

Employability in the ICT sector

This third category is probably the most current today. It is about the lack of job opportunities in the field of technology. According to Oxfam Intermón, only 13% of the personnel working in this sector are female .

Like science, the technological field is a territory where women are almost invisible. Since we are trained until we look for a job, the differences are notable. For this reason, at this time the focus should be on this issue.

In this sense, from IOE we want to contribute to breaking this gap. For this reason, we want you to know about our higher education and courses in the area of ​​computing . In addition, we encourage companies to use subsidized training for HR training . In this way, they will be able to work from within to minimize inequalities in organizations.

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