Manual Directory Submission Services / Plans, Price and Package

We are offering you special and affordable Packages of Manual Directory Submission Services for your site. The manual submissions will be done in directories which are search engine friendly, non reciprocal and are being indexed by search engines regularly. Before submitting a site we do a prior check to ensure your site is not already listed there so as to avoid duplication. Manual Submissions are been done with care and in accordance with the web directories guidelines. All Manual Submissions will be done by our expert team members who are proficient in their work. From this services you will get one way links and these all links will help in getting better ranking and visibility which will finally increase the traffic on the site.

Feature of this packages:

* Ten different anchor text in tile and ten different descriptions

* Creation of your Email Account

* Creation of directory submission account and activations

* Opening of Job Execution ticket and daily reporting on your progress online

* Final report after completion of directory submit services

Here are few of the popular packages:

100 Directory Regular Price 25 USD Discount Price 20 USD (You Save $ 5)

300 Directories Regular Price 45 USD Discount Price 35 USD (You Save $ 10)

500 Directories Regular Price 60 USD Discount Price 50 USD (You Save $10)

1000 Directories Regular Price 115 USD Discount Price 100 USD (You Save $15)

1600 Directories Regular Price 145 USD Discount Price 125 USD (You Save $20)

2000 Directories Regular Price 225 USD Discount Price 200 USD (You Save $25)

2500 Directories Regular Price 280 USD Discount Price 250 USD (You Save $30)

3000 Directories Regular Price 340 USD Discount Price 300 USD (You Save $40)

4000 Directories Regular Price 450 USD Discount Price 400 USD (You Save $50)

5200 Directories Regular Price 560 USD Discount Price 490 USD (You Save $70)

Do not let this offer go to waste. Do take this offer for your own site or even for your friend sites. If you need any assistance or clarification please feel free to contact me.

So start your day with this wonderful offer.

I look forward to doing business with you.

Grow Your Business Locally With Directory Submissions

Our Plans Start At $20.00 A Month (Now Including Voice Search!)

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