Subject of marketing in education
The subject of marketing in education is the philosophy, seo marketing strategy and tactics in the relationship and interaction between users and creators of educational services and products in market conditions.
Participants in market marketing relations are educational institutions, consumers (individuals, organizations and companies), intermediaries (employment services, labor exchanges) and the state.
Functions of marketing in education
The functions of organizations, users of educational services and products are defined in the direction of:
- informing educational institutions, intermediaries and individuals about the demand;
- establishing the requirements for the quality of educational services and products, to the professionalism of its future collaborators;
- reimbursement of costs for the training of specialists.
The marketing of educational services and products is the educational institutions that form the commodity supply of educational services – universities, institutes, colleges.
The functions of educational institutions are related to:
- student training, i.e. provision of a service for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and habits;
- creation of accompanying educational services and products, education of students;
- provision of information and intermediary services to entrants, students and employers, agreeing with them on the conditions for future work,
- sources of funding for educational services and products.
Educational institutions play a crucial role in the implementation of marketing in the field of education , since they are most interested in the study of markets, their forecasting, pricing, compared to other subjects of marketing.
Intermediary structures (labor exchanges, employment services, educational funds, associations of educational institutions) help to move educational services and products to the market, and marketing for them is a vitally important activity.
Their functions include:
- accumulation, processing, analysis and sale of information on the market of educational services and products, consulting services to other marketing entities;
- advertising activity on the market of educational services and products, legal assistance;
- formation of sales channels, assistance in concluding deals;
- participation in the financing and crediting of participants in the market of educational services and products.
Marketing of educational services and products in the public sector with government governing bodies.
Its functions are very specific, as they cannot be performed by other marketing entities. They refer to:
- creating and maintaining the image of education both among the population and among employers;
- funding of state educational institutions;
- providing higher education institutions with tax privileges;
- determining the list of professions and specialties;
- standardization in education;
- the legal protection of subjects of the marketing of educational services and products
- personnel training for the marketing education system.
Object of marketing activity in education.
An object of marketing, in a broader sense, is anything that is offered on the market for exchange and sought by consumers.
Marketing of educational services and products is marketing of services, which, as is known, are intangible, intangible until the moment of their use.
They are acquired ” on trust “. In order to convince the customer to do this, service producers try to formalize the service parameters and present them visually whenever possible.
The range of educational services and products, as an object of marketing, is extremely extensive. In the conditions of a market economy, it can significantly change, as educational institutions are forced to take into account the requirements of the market.
An essential variety of educational services and products are the accompanying services – informational, consulting, expert, scientific research, implementation of scientific developments, textbooks and teaching aids, dormitories, hotels, sports facilities, etc.
All this requires a marketing approach, market analysis and forecasting, pricing policy development, strategic and tactical planning, demand formation and sales stimulation.
In developed markets, problems in the content of marketing of educational services and products relate to: functions, assortment and quality of services, pricing, communications, implementation and sales, staffing issues.
Marketing begins to function with the research of the market, the planning and disclosure of the idea of ​​the educational services and products, their movement in the market and ultimately, satisfying the needs of the selected target groups of users.

SEO Optimization for the marketing of educational services and products
Who should be trained?
In this matter, educational institutions are faced with the delicate problem of which contingent of students to orientate.
According to the study conditions, the candidate students in Bulgaria are divided into two groups – admission by state order to public higher education institutions and admission to private higher education institutions . The former are subsidized by the state, and the latter pay their own tuition.
Why and what to study?
The answers to these questions help to clearly formulate the goals and means of the educational process, to find an optimal ratio between general education, fundamental, special and applied disciplines.
How long to study?
This term and conditions are determined by the Law on Higher Education in the Republic of Bulgaria – no less than 5 years for masters, 4 years for bachelors and 3 years for professional bachelors.
Where to study?
At a university, college, in Bulgaria or abroad. The marketing of educational services and products is obliged to give reasoned recommendations on these matters.
How to study?
Regular form, correspondence form, distance form or other similar.
Who will teach the student?
This issue, in other types of marketing, is practically not considered, but in the marketing of educational services and products it is of crucial importance. The authority of the higher school and the desire or reluctance to study in it depend on the authority, image of the teaching staff, on their experience and pedagogical mastery.
The marketing of educational services and products uses various methods: both general scientific and specific – statistical, economic-mathematical, sociological, socio-psychological, management theory methods, marketing research methods.
Marketing of educational services and products is actively influenced by the surrounding marketing environment – political, economic, demographic, cultural, moral and ethical.
The market of educational services and products is oriented towards three main types of users, forming the respective markets – individuals, enterprises and organizations and state government bodies.
The market, whose consumers are individuals, is segmented according to socio-economic, demographic and cultural criteria. Different requirements, tastes, priorities and problems of users meet here. This requires particularly detailed segmentation.
Another feature of this market is that there are many sources of information, the significant part of which has an informal or even subjective nature. Making a decision to receive one or another education depends to a large extent not so much on the immediate user as on parents, friends, acquaintances, etc.
Practice shows that the immediate user of educational services and products, as a rule, is the least informed, organized and purposeful in making his choice.
The market, whose users are organizations and enterprises, is more organized and professional. It is segmented, most often, by industry. His clients are relatively few. It can also be segmented by geography.
Firms are characterized by a significantly lower elasticity of demand in relation to the prices of educational services and products. But they react more quickly to structural changes in the economy. They interact more actively than the individual with intermediaries – employment services, agencies, with educational institutions, with education management bodies.
Where the users are government bodies and institutions, the market is particularly attractive to educational institutions, as it is large-scale, relatively stable and guaranteed.
Today, many higher education institutions feel a decline in the demand for their services due to a decrease in the solvency of the population, a mismatch of the assortment of educational services and products to the needs, a complication of the situation of educational services and products. That’s why there is always the question: “What to do?”
Strategies in Marketing in Education
Launch an active advertising campaign
But what audience to target, what arguments are best to use, what advertising means to choose, how to finance this campaign, at what expense, how to determine the effectiveness of this campaign? A general strategic solution must be developed here.
Attempting to search for a new segment
By engaging intermediaries to penetrate the educational services and products market. However, the questions arise: Will it be possible to satisfy the little-known needs of new contingents? What is their demand for our services? Will the mediators be able to effectively represent our interests and opportunities? How to get intermediaries interested? And in this case, without a common strategy, we will work “in the dark” again.
Bringing the services of the educational institution closer to the users
To create regional branches, to expand part-time and distance learning, to ease entrance exams. This approach is also associated with some negative consequences – to reduce the number of students at the base university, to worsen the quality of admission, etc.
Marketing strategy objectives.
Developing a marketing strategy for educational services and products requires, first of all, to formulate its objectives. They can be financial and market (marketing).
Goal formulation is about answering two questions: first, “What would we like to achieve?” and second, “What will we get if we don’t change anything?”
Financial issues include: the volume of sales of services, the rate of capital turnover, the percentage of profit on turnover, the percentage of profit on invested capital, the mass of net profit, etc.
Marketing objectives in education
- The performance of the task in terms of the volume of educational services (the number of students);
- Increasing market share (by groups and categories of educational services and products);
- The goals of realization (attracted entrants, received orders) are divided by segments, channels of realization, etc.;
- The objectives of the communication fix the necessary notoriety of the higher school, the advertising scope of the potential entrants and other customers;
- Desired price level, but not only the cost of the education itself, but also the additional costs of housing, food, study materials, health care, study practices, etc.
- Clearly formulated objectives lead to the definition of strategy. It is necessary to proceed from the problems and the possible options for their solution.
- Strategies can be different – segmented, risky, innovative, leadership or “bitten apple”, intensive, differentiated or non-differentiated marketing, etc. Mixed type strategies are also possible.
In Bulgaria, the discussion about the price of educational services and products (especially in public higher education institutions) continues.
In the conditions of the market for educational services and products, sellers and buyers have different interests. Everyone independently calculates the limit of the price that seems fair to him.
Of course, the buyer usually does not make specific calculations, but the logic of his behavior can be represented as a calculation of the upper limit of the price that he can afford.
The seller (the university) considers for himself the minimum limit of the price below which it does not make sense to engage in educational activity. Agreement on a price acceptable to both parties is possible between the price the buyer can afford and the price the seller can accept.
The functioning of the global economy requires millions of businesses, and they, in turn, need builders, engineers, managers, accountants, marketers and other specialists. Therefore, the demand for education and specialization has significant prospects for development. Therefore, in the field of education, it is also necessary to implement the marketing approach in the formation of the market for educational services and products.
Digital Marketing for schools and educational institutions: why invest and support tools
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