Hire a local ad agency for your brand and business, build a brand!

Creation and optimization of successful Facebook ads for your business. Maximum ROI. 100% individual approach to your project. Internationally recognized specialists.
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Why Facebook?

  • Almost 1.9 billion users worldwide.
  • Over 70% of them log into their profile daily, and the average Facebook user spends over 8 hours a week on the social network.
  • Facebook is the second most visited site in the world after Google.

Win customers, not likes!

SEO Solutions aims to help advertisers optimize the effectiveness of their advertising messages, ensuring that they attract real and loyal customers, not worthless likes .

Never look at how many people liked your page, but how many people your posts reached, or everyone liked, commented or shared your page posts in a week) – these are your real prospects or loyal current customers. If this indicator is below 5% of the total likes, then you practically have NO Facebook presence.

Our team strives to master the difficult process of turning investments in social marketing into a long-term strategic asset of the company.

What are the advantages of Facebook marketing?


Facebook allows advertising to be highly targeted (unlike almost all advertising channels) – by location, gender, age, interests, hobbies – which allows for strong local impact.


An advertising campaign of any other type (TV, radio, print, outdoor) would be TIMES more expensive than a Facebook one.


Friends of Friends or Friends of Fans (Friends of Friends or Friends of Fans): The more attractive, quality and unique your content is, the more friends of friends or fans it would reach (so-called organic reach ”, or organic visibility of page posts).

The “word of mouth” principle applies in full force in this social network. Facebook is an intelligent platform whose algorithm tolerates and displays the most commented, shared and liked materials.

After all, we are all more likely to trust recommendations from acquaintances and friends.

Brand promotion and fan engagement

Brand promotion and fan engagement

Without a doubt, the most valuable resource that social media provides to businesses is the opportunity to promote the brand and engage with consumers.

Sponsored (or boosted) posts, where you are paid directly to Facebook, multiply the effect of the reach – the so-called. “reach”.

SEO Solutions will help you use all the channels of the platform to succeed in promoting your brand with quality advertising messages and a positive image. To build relationships with your existing and potential customers and ultimately increase your sales and profits.

Create and manage a Facebook ad

It is a complex process that should be entrusted to professionals and be taken into account with a number of social and technical factors in order to achieve the desired effect. SEO Solutions offers advertisers a mechanized and tested process to best manage the Facebook advertising campaign.

SEO Solutions will target the most correct audience

about your product/service, so as to inevitably cause discussion among users. Let our team develop the most appropriate advertising strategy for your product or brand . We will research which ad headlines, images, headings and descriptions will be most relevant and well received by your audience.

Our Creative Department will create advertising messages tailored to your goals to attract the most customers to your brand.

Finance and budget management

Wise financial management is key to the success of an advertising strategy. SEO Solutions can help with Facebook’s payment structure. Let us determine a daily budget, CPI and CPC performance base *, and the best prices Facebook offers to optimize your campaign cost. * Cost per impression and Cost per click (Price per impression and Price per click)

 Fan Pages

It is the Facebook page that is the vitally necessary new face of your brand – always dynamic, up-to-date, responsive. The way you interact with your fans is a mirror of how you would treat them as customers.

The percentage of active fans on your page determines the final number of the audience that can actually become your user through the network.

The goal of SEO Solutions is to offer complete and quality care for your Facebook page, through interesting and unique content, attractive branded (with your logo and motto) posts and photos, branded sections with tips and rankings and much more.

High performance Facebook advertising.

Reach the largest targeted audience on social media.

Looking to reach a large online audience? A Facebook advertising campaign can be the best SEO strategy. We build advertising campaigns on the largest social media network on the Internet. Our campaigns involve targeting specific demographics that are most compatible with your goals. We target audiences with the right marketing message and take full control of the campaign to help you get the most out of your advertising investment.

Let our team roll out and take advantage of the power of the Facebook advertising platform.

Get more likes on shared content.

Generate a positive attitude.

Buyers are more likely to interact with your brand if they see a positive image. By getting more likes on your page and your content, you attract potential buyers. We create campaigns that drive both engagement and content likes to help your brand establish a positive image on Facebook .

Use Facebook to engage your audience. Let’s build your Facebook ad campaign and capitalize on the exposure.

on-page seo optimizationoff page seoSEO analysis for the project
Audience researchWe identify the Facebook audiences most likely to take an active interest in what you have to offer.Similar audiencesWe learn from your existing clientele to build audiences that are incredibly similar yet different.Content planningWe use unpublished page posts to deliver effective messages at the most effective time of day.
competitor analysisreviews and product reviewsre-evaluation
Audience trackingWe help you learn from and understand your audience by tracking and visualizing their engagement.RemarketingNot every lead will convert. We help give you a second chance to appeal to unconverted customers.Ongoing optimizationWe continue to monitor your entire campaign, conducting research and identifying new audiences

Expand your audience.

We create Facebook campaigns for lead generation.

Whether you’re looking for people to download an app or buy a product or service, Facebook offers unique advertising opportunities to generate leads for your business. We develop ad campaigns, boosted posts , that deliver in-demand content to an actively engaged audience.

We also get other Facebook users interested in your paid ads, giving you the perfect opportunity to convert a social media visitor into a paying customer.

Increase engagement. Improve your sales from customers.

While lead generation is a way to improve sales, Facebook also provides businesses with ways to improve existing engagements to increase sales. We build campaigns with your existing customer base to help them understand what more you can do for them to entice them to extend their engagement.

How will we help your facebook account?

How will we help your facebook account?

  •  Cost Management We manage your costs with a focus on return on investment
  • Pixel code execution We confirm that the Facebook pixel is installed and tracked correctly
  • We expand your audiences. We help you reach more new customers.
  • Build Custom Audiences .We upload your customer lists so they can be included or excluded from campaigns.
  • Remarketing Settings . We help you re-reach people who have already visited your site.
  • Reporting. We track, analyze and report on our ad profiles.
  • Messenger Bot Create a personalized chat for your customers in Messenger .
  • Dynamic remarketing settings.Show product ads to people who have already seen your product pages.
  • Comprehensive maintenance of your page. We create the posts for your business page according to a preliminary media plan.

Attract more people to your events.

Our experts can optimize your live event campaign.
Chances are, the ideal audience for your event has a Facebook presence. As one of the most popular social media channels, Facebook offers great value for event organizers. We build campaigns to take advantage of these unique opportunities to target new audiences that might be interested. Let our sponsored advertising experts design an advertising campaign on the social platform to promote your event and improve your event registrations.

We work with event organizers to improve engagement for both one-off and recurring events.

Make a one-time payment for account setup

Your contribution is appreciated.


[…] The course looks at all those who want to discover the world of Internet positioning through SEO . For those who wish to learn how to use different digital tools for development. That is, especially aimed at those who work or study the areas of  programming , tourism ,  marketing and  communication . […]

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