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With an effective on-site SEO campaign, you will be able to target your site for a wide range of search terms.
A quickstart keyword strategy is an effective combination of keywords organized into phrases, resulting in targeting the right search terms and ultimately driving visitors to the right web page to achieve their goals.
Stages of SEO Optimization of a site
Modern business faces many difficulties on a daily basis, especially in the crisis. No project can progress anymore without its own website. Moreover, a well-structured website is the main tool for recruiting customers and making sales.
An adequately executed seo marketing campaign of a site that is supposed to sell goods and services will bring it to the top of the search engines. This is the main goal – to get the site in the first results on the first page of Google.
It is well known that the first few sites in the Google results receive the main traffic from users. One of the big difficulties in seo optimization of a site is that search engines are constantly changing the rules of the game.
For a successful seo optimization of a site that is new and just launched online, it is necessary to determine the priority goals that need to be achieved. Usually, the most important goal is to attract a target audience of users to the site who are looking for the relevant product or service.
A lot of traffic from people who simply clicked on an attractive banner and landed on the site does not bring much profit – casual visitors who have no interest in the goods and services simply leave the site almost immediately. News sites and those that rely on the sale of advertising space benefit from such traffic.
For them, every visitor is important, regardless of the purpose for which they entered the site. For seo optimization of a site that strives for the first places in search engine results, usually several people work. First, attention is paid to the site’s internal seo optimization, internal links, convenient navigation, and then external links are built.
The latest changes in Google’s algorithm bring the content to the fore – it must be unique for the site to come out on top. A site with copied foreign content will never appear on the first page of Google, and may be completely blocked by the search engine.
Four main goals in the process of structuring or restructuring a website:
- Making it easier for users to use the site is your first goal, as this leads to higher sales or sign-up rates, happier customers, and more. If I had to choose between making a good impression on users and some SEO goal, I’d always choose visitors.
- Improving the ability of search engine spiders to crawl the site and direct “link juice” (PageRank in Google, and other search engines have their own formulas) to the most important pages (the ones you are trying to rank in search results). One method that is used to do this is called dynamic binding .
- Improving the ranking of individual web pages within the site and “expanding the profile” of the most important pages. By using “anchor text” on our own internal links and adding the right links in strategic places, we can boost our search engine rankings ourselves.
- Inclusion of more pages in the search engine index, also known as “index creep”. Every additional page that gets a place in the index increases the ability to improve our positions and actually makes it easier to penetrate the index. The goal of a keyword strategy is to get the best quality ROI.
- Understanding keyword strategy starts with knowing how people search. For any topic, there are literally thousands of ways people choose a keyword or phrase when using a search engine. The more different keywords and phrases a site can “rank” for, the more often it will appear when a member of that target audience performs a search.
- Every time a site appears in search results, there is a chance that the site will be visited. Obviously, the higher the position, the greater the chance of success.
Position is very important, especially when it’s in the top ten. But the difference between position 1 and position 3 is not so significant.
The most important thing, after a site appears in a search result, is whether the title and description contain what a web surfer is looking for. Therefore, the whole formula shows how well a given site performs for key phrases, how high it ranks for each of those searches, how relevant and enticing its page titles and descriptions are.
Obviously, increasing the number of key phrases a site performs well on will yield much better 144 results than trying to rank high on a highly competitive keyword.
Designing a “human” structure (stage 1)
“Pyramids of content†The best analogy is to think of SEO as a pyramid – the stone at the top of the pyramid does not support as much weight as the stone that holds the base.
The World Wide Web Creating a network of sites is not recommended unless there is some specific (people-oriented) business reason that makes you do it. This is called the World Wide Web. It should be clear that what happens on the web matters in terms of how other sites mention and link. From the perspective of the human visitor, the text of the incoming link “frames” user behavior, along with the page to which it is sent. When the site page matches what the visitor expects when the link is clicked, you most likely have a happy visitor.
Site structuring levels
Your homepage is The first level of the pyramid, the homepage, is where most visitors enter.
This is the “home page” of the site. The home page shows what the site is about, what it offers, etc. – in many ways the user behavior of this page is framed. If the work of optimizing a site is well done, it may be found that more and more visitors are entering from other pages as well. But regardless, the homepage will most likely be visited by more people and more often than any other page on the site. If it’s easy for people to find what they’re looking for on the home page, it’s a win-win. If not, there is more work to do.
Second level: Categories (the “road map” pages)
The second level, from the perspective of human visitors, is a set of pages – categories or directories that lead them closer to the goal.
An online store that sells trinkets may have categories for “colorful trinkets,” “large trinkets,” “chrome trinkets,” and more. Usability research shows that people don’t mind clicking multiple times to reach their destination as long as they have a clear path to follow. Reducing the navigation elements to 5-7 choices and using the standard user interface (eg blue highlighting for a link in the main text, tabbed navigation, breadcrumbs) – paths to show where on the site you are now, left navigation, etc.) will help visitors find what they are looking for. The second level of most sites also includes the site’s roadmap itself, the so-called. site map. This is one page that simply contains links (and a short description) to many other pages on the site. From an SEO perspective, the second level of the site is actually any page that is linked from the home page (keeping in mind that spiders can crawl the link).
Third Level: Content (“Landing Pagesâ€)
The third level is where the most important content resides if there is a typical website. The visitor usually moves from the home page, through a “road map” page, to a destination page.
In some cases, if the landing pages are very popular or important, there may be direct links from the home page to them. In an online shopping site, the third level is usually the pages that detail the products. On a site selling software and services, this is where you see detailed descriptions of features, benefits, pricing, and more. In information content sites, the third level usually contains the articles that make the site valuable. From an SEO optimization perspective, the third tier is pages two clicks away from the home page.
Level Four: Deep Content
In most cases, it is enough for you to create a third level. You can have thousands of pages within the first three levels of content, so you never need more. Even sites that are primarily three-level can have help pages (shipping prices, product color charts, etc.) that make a fourth level from the user’s perspective. From an SEO perspective , a fourth level is three clicks (or more) from the home page, and special steps may be required for search engines to index this content—if at all, of course.
Designing the structure for “spiders”
Home Page Navigation The home
page is a special case in the internal linking system because a large portion of your site’s ranking will flow into (and flow from) your home page.
Use of site map and crawl pages
The site map should lead to the second and third level pages if you can achieve this with only outbound links from the map page. If you can’t do that, you might want to add more page cards, or make some strategic decisions about your most important content since you only have outbound links to work with on one page. The “difference” between a sitemap and a crawl page is a matter of perspective. The sitemap looks like a sitemap, and the crawl page usually looks like all the other second-level pages on the site. It is simply an additional page that you create to direct extra PageRank and links with specific texts (anchor text) to the pages that are present there.
On most sites, the global navigation links to all second-level pages from every page, including the home page. This causes a lot of PageRank to accrue to second-level pages at the expense of third-level pages. A third level boost is a matter of taking some of the PageRank from the second level and redirecting it to the third level. Using anchor text (text link) for link reputation (stage 3) Optimizing the content of the page is also important, but for the search engine today, the words that are used in the links pointing to that page are extremely important.
Link reputation and anchor text
It must have bases and anchor text, i.e., text that serves as a link to the page. For each variation of each search term for each page, at least once or twice. This means cross-linking from one page to another using the keywords in the link text. There should be terms to add to the text links to help improve rankings.
Internal links like these can only help so much. They will need to spend some time attracting links from the rest of the web. If a search term is known to be highly competitive, it is returned and a few extra characters are added. At this stage, attention is paid to two types of links that can point to a web page:
Navigational links – those found in your global navigation and site part navigation. This may include links that are added to the footer of pages.
Contextual links – those that are found in the text of an individual page on the Internet. These links can increase usability and returns, as well as increase the reputation of the link on the landing page.
Global navigation
One very important link that will almost always be present in the general navigation is the link to the site’s home page. Because of the way search engines perceive the reputation of the link (anchor text), a format is used that allows some keywords to be included in the first link from each page to the home page, but also has a “home” link. somewhere in the navigation.
General navigation usually contains text links to the second-level pages.
Realistically, if there is no text link to a page from the global navigation, it can be considered a third-level page from the user’s perspective. For each of these second-level pages, there is most likely a main term and a cluster of related terms from step 1 (keyword strategy).
In general navigation, the main term in the text link to this link is usually used.
This helps to increase the link reputation of the page for that key term by having many different pages link to it. This helps with the base term, but doesn’t necessarily help with variations and modifiers, which are also important to the overall profile of the page.
Use of contextual links
In addition to links found in the site’s navigation, you can link one page to another using keywords found in the text of the page. If the color trinkets category page mentions that you also sell chrome trinkets, you can use that as an opportunity to link to the chrome trinkets page.
Improve index penetration
The more pages there are, the more keywords that can be targeted, which offer more opportunities to appear in search results and increase the “juice†that is spread. Each search engine has its own idea of ​​how many pages a site has. This is called “ index penetration †– how many and which pages are actually indexed by search engines.
To the search engine, a page that is not in their index simply does not exist. If links are directed to pages that are not indexed, the PageRank (juice) sent to them disappears. Therefore, it is important, in the long run, to know which pages are indexed and which are not, and to take steps to improve this situation. In the long term, the goal is to have the entire site indexed.