This course to get 1000 sales with Etsy is an intensive SEO training where you will learn a high search rating step by step.

What is Etsy? It is a platform that connects people looking for exclusive items with independent sellers around the world. Etsy does not have any type of warehouse, so you buy directly from an independent seller who manages their own inventory and order.

The purpose of this free course is to help you rank higher in Etsy search results . This means that you will appear earlier or closer to the top of the search results on Etsy. The less potential buyers have to scroll to see your product, the more likely they are to click on it and buy it!

What is NOT covered in this course is the following:

  • Advertising on social networks.
  • Creation of products for Etsy.
  • Ways to get rich quick.

This free course is created and taught by Patrick Gamaliel through Udemy . The information in this course is for educational purposes and is not intended to provide professional financial advice.

Who is the course for getting 1000 sales with Etsy for?

This course is designed for anyone who is interested in selling on Etsy . You don’t need to have previous knowledge in computers , programming or Android , but it is necessary to have an Etsy account and a positive mindset.

On the other hand, you must have a good level of English , since the course is taught in this language ( see free English courses ). You will also have to have a computer and a stable Internet connection to be able to carry out the content online .

What will you learn in the course to get 1000 sales with Etsy?

Patrick Gamaliel is an illustrator, graphic artist and photographer with 20 years of experience in visual arts. He has designed this course for Udemy that consists of 4 sections and 16 classes spread over almost 2 hours. You will have both the material and the necessary resources to carry out your training.

The topic to be discussed is the following:

  • Introduction .
  • Etsy SEO .
  • Something more than the SEO of your list.
  • Conclusion .

What you will learn in the course to get 1000 sales with Etsy is the following:

  • Everything you need to know to develop a basic SEO strategy .
  • All the information that Etsy uses in your listing to rank you in search results.
  • What to do to create a list that will lead you to your first 1000 sales ?
  • Step by step on how to create an optimized listing or optimize an existing listing.
  • How to find good keywords and how to use them for future product ideas.
  • Etsy ads really work and a strategy to optimize the use of ads .

At the end of the course, if you wish, you will be able to participate in a short exam that will test the knowledge acquired throughout the classes.

Access to the course to get 1000 sales with Etsy

Access the course to get 1000 sales with Etsy taught by Udemy. Both registration and participation are enabled completely free of charge .

Upon course completion you will not be able to obtain a certificate of course completion and participation from Udemy. Even so, you will have improved your knowledge and skills related to this topic.

Topic 1. The operation of search engines.

  1. Introduction to SEO.
  2. Introduction to search engines.
  3. The operation of search engines.
  4. Objectives and key concepts.

Topic 2. Marketing and positioning objectives.

  1. The users.
  2. Search engine marketing.
  3. SEO and Social Media Marketing.

Topic 3. SEO optimization techniques.

  1. SEO optimization.
  2. The keywords in the SEO strategy.
  3. Long Tail SEO. What it is and how to approach it.

Topic 4. What not to do in SEO.

  1. On-Page factors in web positioning.
  2. Off-Page Factors in SEO.

  • Design a Digital Marketing Plan by carrying out its correct monitoring and evaluation .
  • Attract quality traffic to a high-performing Web site through search engine optimization .
  • Measure and improve the conversion of profitable customers .
  • Build customer loyalty through e-mail marketing or content syndication .
  • Know and analyze Web traffic statistics , and take advantage of these indicators to make decisions that improve the performance of your online investment .
  • Know how you can take professional advantage of Social Networks : organization of events, participation in thematic groups, conducting surveys, management of work teams, etc.
  • Know promotion systems and advertising resources of social networks.

These studies allow their students to perform, among others, the following functions:

These studies allow their students to carry out, among others, the following professional opportunities:

  • Community manager.
  • Responsible for Social Media of the Company.
  • Marketing director.
  • Social Network Manager.
  • Specialist in SEO and SEM positioning.
  • Content Creator Technician.

In this  master’s degree in Traffic Management: SEO, SEM, SMM,  it is shown how a company would be destined to fail if today it did not develop an  action strategy to a greater or lesser extent . This is because the markets are increasingly global and demand it.

The  presence of a company on the Internet  is a business unit where to invest resources, entrust objectives and expect a return on investment. The possibilities of creating different  communication strategies in the online environment  are unlimited. For this reason, this postgraduate course in Traffic Management highlights the importance of having an adequate presence. For example, using search engine marketing strategies .

The ease of access, the costs compared to other media and the evolution of technology allow  digital communications  and their medium to prevail when it comes to exchanging information, carrying out commercial transactions or establishing relationships based on affinities.

Subject 1. Introduction to Social Media Marketing.

  • Online marketing strategy based on the company’s strategy.
  • Social media marketing and new business models.
  • Social media and community manager.
  • What is online reputation?.

Subject 2. Social Media Marketing in internal management.

  • Content marketing.
  • Content marketing strategy.
  • Contents and positioning.
  • Importance of content in online marketing.

Subject 3. Conversion. Social organization.

  • Internet as a medium and advertising support.
  • Online Marketing. Evolution, supports, formats and technologies.
  • Where do I have to be? To invest. Know your audience.
  • Professional profiles.

Subject 4. Conversion in Social Networks.

  • Implementation of Ecommerce in Social Networks.
  • Social Media + Ecommerce = Social Commerce.
  • The consumer 2.0: Adprosumer.
  • Persuadability: convert users into customers.

Subject 5. Web 2.0.

  • The web 2.0.
  • Social media.
  • The company in Social Networks.
  • Online Communication Strategy.

Subject 6. SEO and SEM I.  

  • The operation of search engines.
  • Marketing and positioning objectives.
  • SEO optimization techniques.
  • What not to do in SEO.

Subject 7. SEO and SEM II.

  • Hiring and monitoring of an SEO campaign.
  • Specialized blog search engines.
  • SEO Resources.
  • Practical cases.

Subject 8. Metrics and Web Analytics. Google Analytics.

  • Presentation of Google Analytics.
  • Basic functions of Google Analytics.
  • Personalization.
  • Web applications.

Subject 9. Content creation and management.

  • What is content management.
  • Processes in content management.
  • Content management software.
  • Standards and interoperability.

Subject 10. Curation of Contents I.

  • Introduction to Content Curation.
  • Professional profile.
  • Content Curation System.

Subject 11. Curation of Contents II.

  • Design.
  • Search and selection of contents.
  • Characterization and dissemination of contents.

Subject 12. Master’s thesis.

In this  Traffic Management master  we will also address two very important concepts in the area of ​​social networks. These are  Social Media  or  Community Manager .

The modality of this master’s degree is online, so students can study comfortably from anywhere. It is a great advantage for those people who are interested in search engine marketing ,  google adwords , etc. They will be able to combine their personal and work life with the study.

Study Traffic Management online

We will see in this  master’s degree in Traffic Management  the popularity that  Social Media has achieved.  That is, the  interactive spaces  where users are grouped by affinities, find support for their desires and concerns, and seek information and contacts. In recent years, it could be said that the network has changed around them.

These sites allow users to exchange opinions, group around them or feel part of a  belonging  or reference group without having to personally identify themselves. All this through the exchange of content. It is something that has come to affect even the algorithms that Google uses. As well as, to the approach of the web about its future.

One of the  principles of marketing  is to see in each person a client and in each client a person. This fact is what has led to managing large volumes of data. And also the one that has determined that this social medium is so relevant. In this  Traffic Management program  we show that it can be much less intrusive and enriching at the same time.

Changes in marketing strategy

Another aspect that we address in this  master’s degree in Traffic Management  is the changes in the  marketing strategy . Strategy and marketing are linked. In other words, one is part of the other and this is as perceptible in the online environment as it is in the offline environment.

The  Net  has become a new field of strategies. Now the content is king and being found becomes a magic algorithm sought by all. But unlike what happens in other media, this medium is measurable in every second.

How does this influence the  marketing strategy ? Actually, the principles are the same. However, within the model a new control element is introduced that accompanies any campaign before, during and after its execution.

In other words, its transparency, interactivity, and speed have made it the favorite medium for statisticians, analysts, and marketers eager to follow  public reactions on the fly . Companies are looking for Google Adword experts to be able to measure their digital advertising campaigns.

In this  Traffic Management master  we will see that this has even affected the  advertising area . Now digital media have captured much of the attention, covering a large part of the  business needs  of many companies, large and small. The main reason is the  control of the ROI  that they offer.

Good search engine positioning

But to be on the Net it is not enough to invest in advertising, have an app or design a social web. The cloud is full of spaces and content that does not exist if it is not indexed. It is understood that the greater the volume, the greater the complexity when it comes to finding something concrete in that cloud.

In this  Traffic Management training we show that this fact makes the positioning strategy  essential  .  So that the user we are addressing has easy access to that information. This is not an easy task, because the themes, structures and designs are repeated in tides of content.

Appearing in  the top positions of search engines  such as Google or Yahoo, having an App version, or managing to retain the domain name are essential aspects to have a presence in this medium. For this, it is necessary to have training in search engine marketing .

The main objective of this  master’s degree in Traffic Management  is to help companies, professionals and entrepreneurs to understand the peculiarities of the Internet in order to:

  • Draw your own Successful Online Marketing Plan.
  • Improve your reputation.
  • Get the most out of it by optimizing resources.

The Social Media and the Community Manager

Like any new discipline, the  Social Media area  has been adding meanings based on the profiles that have been added to its hierarchy and functions.

For this reason, similar concepts have been born that little by little are delimiting their spaces until they form two independent work spaces. This is the case of the  Community Manager  and the  Social Media Manager , two confusing profiles at the beginning but which currently have nothing to do with each other.

These disparities are more than justified since in the beginning no one would have bet on the rapid expansion of the Social Media area, group interactivity or the acceptance of individuals over shared personal content.

But the fact is that the sector has grown due to a rapid maturity of this area. Sometimes confusing messages are offered in the search for Community Manager or Social Media Manager job profiles, who is the strategist or consultant and who is the one who puts the plan in motion and manages the resources?

Theoretically, the Social Media Manager is a profile that has a higher position than that of the Community. The  Social Media Manager (SMM)  carries out consulting, analytical and strategy design work.

While the  Community Manager  is the one who will put the strategy into practice, since he coordinates and manages the social networks, defining the needs, the timings, the control of the objectives and the way of reporting to the person in charge or SMM.

Therefore, managing the way in which users of social media perceive the corporate image of an organization is a task to which the community manager must dedicate a large part of his efforts today.

The management of intangible assets

Throughout this  master’s degree in Traffic Management  we will also delve into the analysis of the concepts that we must take into account when we prepare to manage the reputation of a company or institution in the digital environment. We will also understand that reputation is an essential intangible asset in any process of  strategic corporate image management .

Online  corporate reputation  is the opinion that Internet users have about a certain organization and its behavior. Its management involves the design and execution of strategies and actions that help  increase the visibility of content  that speaks well of a company, institution, brand, product or service. To do this, we will use search engine marketing tools .

Reputation is transmitted much faster and is more persistent in the online environment than in the offline. The brand is a key element of  corporate personality projection . For this reason,  branding  is one of the most important allies of  online reputation .

In summary, what is intended with this  Traffic Management program  is for the student to discover the best methodologies, strategies and  measurement tools.  As well as the daily use of  Web Analytics  for the  rationalization of investments  in  Online Marketing , the best knowledge of the client and the optimization of the web channel. Students will acquire knowledge in google adwords where they will be able to advertise and measure the results.

Through this  Traffic Management master’s degree , we will try to transfer traditional marketing concepts to  the Internet  in a natural, didactic and intuitive way.

Do not miss the opportunity to carry out this training at the hands of the best professionals in  Traffic Management. You can get a good job doing search engine marketing , advertising in Google Adwords, etc. It is a great opportunity to specialize in a sector that is continuously booming.


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