
The infrastructure of the world's fastest growing economy: India

India launches initiative to boost infrastructure in Small Island States

A new look at one of the oldest civilizations in the world, the greatest democracy on earth, a country full of riches and contrasts.

Today we live in troubled political and social moments. Judgment and criticism have been increasing the distance between people and moving us away from information that can resolve all divergences. Unfortunately we live in times of fake news, and constantly pass on news that should not be disseminated. We're the headline generation. If it's impactful, it doesn't matter whether or not it's true. But we need to fight this by studying, informing and verifying. Only then will we have a society that thrives on healthier and stronger relationships.
You have to understand first and then make yourself understood. And as Peter Drucker would say, "The most important thing in communication is to listen to what is not said". So we have to take a broader look at everything around us and also about economics, politics and society. It is important to see further and understand that in such a great world, there are many amazing nations, which we judge without much information.

This is the case in India!

Today India is the fastest growing economy in the world, it has even surpassed China, growing 6.7% in the year between 2017 and 2018. The expectation between 2018 and 2019 is that it will reach an economic growth of 7.3%. In this article we will show India where the economy, technology and infrastructure show significant and admirable growth.

The beginning of the infrastructure

After the English colonization began the construction of a better infrastructure for India. With the introduction of the English language (there are almost 20 official languages, hence the importance of a language spoken by all), the train system, which covered the entire immense country and the modernization of communications, several benefits for the seventh country in geographical area. Obviously, the bowels of all colonization have abuses, exploitation and many confusions but also brought prosperity.
In 1947, India's expected independence took place. The liberation of the English would not be possible without the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi, he preached resistance to domination and the struggle against the colonizers through nonviolence and civil disobedience. This pacifist leader encouraged the non-payment of taxes and the boycott of English products, but always extolled the thought of nonviolence, the only way to achieve equality.

Engineering and opportunities

With the improvement in infrastructure, engineering in India is pumping and generating opportunities for everyone. Even for Brazil!
Today there is a strong relationship between countries, which are strong economic powers, although emerging. Together, brics, together with Russia, China and South Africa, being one of the main objectives of this union, strengthening economies and cooperation in various areas, such as scientific, cultural, technical and academic.
The infrastructure/construction sector is a key factor for the Indian economy. The industry is highly responsible for driving India's overall development and enjoys intense government focus on initiating policies that ensure the creation of world-class infrastructure over time. There are numerous projects happening, from energy capture, bridges, dams, roads and urban infrastructure development. In 2016, India jumped 19 positions in the World Bank's 2016 Logistics Performance Index (LPI), placing 35th out of 160 countries.
Arcos Engenharia, a mining company, is even bringing its load testing technology to the Indians and contributing to all these constructions. In October the first work was successfully performed in the city of Visakhapatnam. The Bidirectional Test developed by engineer Pedro Elísio da Silva crossing borders and mining flag in India.

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