Among the many charms and perks of learning to drive one that sticks out is an exhilarating sense of independence.

Reaching the driving age has always held a magical appeal for aspirants. Though having a car or knowing how to drive doesn’t elicit awestruck reactions anymore, being licensed to drive has never ceased to raise the social status. The government standardizes people who drive via issuance of driving licenses for a number of reasons other than the obvious ones. With more accidents than ever due to unlicensed people on the road flouting rules and regulations, Delhi government is coming down stricter than ever on miscreants. So please done fall for the police done bother assurances from rule breakers.

A driver who is not comfortable with the wheels is not only a danger to himself/ herself, but also to the general public. And no matter how much of a competent driver you are, a situation can arise at any time, even due to someone else’s fault. Yet you will be the one getting into trouble because you do not have a license. Not to mention the monetary loss since you will not get any insurance. It is definitely not worth the risk, right? Also, imagine the sense of achievement when you are finally able to clutch the shiny license card. It will be worth a thousand and more of your illegal escapades.

Types of Driving License in Delhi

Driving licenses can be categorized on the basis of two factors, temporary and permanent.

Learner License: This is a provisional license that gives you permission to learn and practice driving. It is valid for six months, which is more than enough for one to up their driving skills and ace the competency test. You are required to practice at least for a month before sitting for the practical.

Permanent License: You are eligible for permanent license if you clear the driving competency test, comprising of a ground test and a road test.

Applicants who wish to make a driving license application in the Indian capital can opt for one or more type of vehicle they want. Delhi offers driving license for a range of vehicle types, as specified below:

Light Motor Transport Vehicles: This license is pertinent to those who drive commercial goods carriers and transport vehicles, with a further classification into Light Motor Vehicle (Passenger) like cabs, jeeps, delivery vans and auto rickshaws.

Medium Goods Vehicle: This category consists of vehicles like trucks and tempos goods transportation.

Medium Passenger Vehicle: This category includes vehicles like minivans, tempos for passengers, larger commercial vehicles.

Heavy Goods Vehicle: This category includes vehicles such as trucks and large vans, meant to transport goods.

Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle: This category entails vehicles such as buses, road roller etc. used for commercial purpose and passenger transport.

Non Transport Vehicles: This license is applicable to applicants who drive private vehicles, with further classification namely, Gearless Motorcycles (scooters, mopeds), geared motorcycles and light motor vehicles like cars.

Documents required to apply for Driving License in Delhi

Your driving license application must be made in form no. 4 and has to be accompanied the following:

  • A valid learner’s license, which is the permit for you to learn driving on the ground/ road. In it will be specified, the class of vehicle for which you applied the license for.
  • Fees as per the rules.
  • Proof of nationality/ citizenship (attested duplicate copies)
  • One latest passport sized photo (less than six months old)
  • A driving certificate in Form No. 5 & 14 issued by the motor driving training school (if applicable)
  • Your original driving license in case of authorizations of categories.

How to apply for a Driving License in Delhi

Let us assume that you already have your learner license in place. Now you need to fill form-4 and give it at your closest local Transport Zonal Office in Delhi along with the papers specified above.

Driving Test: An official of the Inspector rank from the Transport Department will test you for your driving aptitudes. They will not provide you a vehicle. You either have to bring your own or arrange it with a motor driving school. Once the test is successfully completed, your finger impression and photos will be taken aside from the necessary documents and application forms. After that, you will be sent your driving license by post. There are also provisions to collect it on the same day.

How to apply online for a Driving License in Delhi

These days it is easy to pay the stipulated fee online and book an appointment at your nearest RTO. Please remember to take all the aforementioned papers when you go to the office to take forward the application.

How to check Driving License status in Delhi

You can directly enquire at the RTO or check online by entering zonal name and receipt number in specific boxes.

How to make corrections in Driving License online

If applicants having a driving license wish to make any kind of corrections (such as misspelt names, address etc.) printed on their license issued in Delhi, they need to forward a written application along with any of the relevant documents with the correct information. Remember, this can only be done in the same RTO which issued your original license. The RTO official will ask them to submit the documents with the right information. Once approved, you can collect your license with correct info on the same day. You will be charged a small fee for this.

Test Procedure for Driving License in Delhi

Test procedure for driving license in Delhi is quite straightforward. Assuming that you have obtained the learners license by clearing the preliminary verbal/ written test on traffic rules and regulations, you can appear for the practical driving test any time after one month is completed. This means that they insist on you practicing at least for a month.

You can opt for a slot when you feel confident enough to give the test, provided that it is within six months of getting your learners. On the particular day, an inspector will scrutinize your documents before you will be cleared to go for the test. Transport department doesn’t provide vehicles, you will have to take your own. Or if you were enrolled in a motor vehicle driving school, the school will take care of that.

Four wheeler test: First you will have to go for the ground test, which is basically driving along the marked ‘H’, without touching the poles planted at the edges. This is predominantly to estimate your aptitude to control the vehicle, shift gears, reverse, focus on driving along the assigned path and so on. If your vehicle brush against any of the pole and cause it to fall off, you flunk the test. And you will not be given a second chance on the same day. So please do not resort to coaxing or bribing or suchlike. It will not work. You will be given another date to repeat the test.

Once you clear the ground test, you will be cleared for the road test, which is the final stage. Here, the examiner will accompany you and will mainly check your driving skills, adaptation with the vehicle, how well-versed you are in practical application of traffic rules & laws. If he is not happy with the way you drive, you will be given another date. And no, you do not have to repeat the ground test.

Two-wheeler & three-wheeler tests: For these too, the ground test comes first. You will have to ride the bike or auto rickshaw along the previously bordered ‘Figure of Eight’ without touching the poles planted at different corners. This tells the examiner how comfortable you are with your vehicle, shifting gears, reversing, bending corners and so on. This ride along ‘figure of eight’ has to be done without touching your feet on the ground. If you do that, you flunk the test. And if you clear this, you will be sent for the road test, in which you have to ride for a certain distance on the road complying with all the rules and regulations.

The Inspector of motor vehicles will take the test of your capability to drive in accordance with the guidelines listed under Rule 15 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules (1989). If he is pleased with your results, he can convey his approvals to the RTO and you will soon get your license to drive in any place in India. Failed candidates need not be disheartened. You can appear for a retest after 7 days during which you may practice and up your game. A nominal fee is levied to appear for a retest.

Driving License Renewal in Delhi

Your driving license has to be renewed once it is expire of its validity date, which is 20 years after the issuance or when you are of age 50 (whichever happens first). For this, you need to get in touch with your nearest RTO zonal office during their office hours to start with the procedure.

Documents required for renewal of Driving License in Delhi are as follows:

For Private License, you need to submit a duly filled application in Form No.9. You must pay out a fee of INR 250 and applicable penalties. They would need two copies of your latest passport sized photos as well as your original license which just expired. You must also provide an age proof (birth certificate, Voters ID, Aadhar Card, Passport, Pan Card etc.) and current residence proof (utility bill, rental/ lease agreement, ration card, passport etc.). And most importantly, Form No.1, which is self-declaration of physical fitness.

For Commercial License, all the documents required for private renewal of license is required. Apart from those, Medical Certificate in form No.1 A is mandatory if you are applying in commercial category. You also need to submit a driver refreshing training certificate in case of HMV.

In the event of vague and unclear particulars on your record, verification of your documents can be delayed. But for commercial license, the details has to be validated from the issuing authority. The renewal of license for private vehicles is usually done on the same day but it is not the same for commercial vehicle driving license. It takes a thorough substantiation before your license will be sent to you by speed post. Any duplicate copies of documents submitted must be strictly attested by Notary Public or a Gazetted Officer.

How to Apply for a Duplicate Driving License in Delhi

Delhi Transport Department has stated that it receives dozens of lost license reports. Getting a duplicate driving license in Delhi is easy enough if you can provide a copy of your lost license.

It is strongly recommended that you keep at least one duplicate copy of your driving license and keep it safe at home as well as scan it and save it in your computer. This can be really helpful in case you lose your driving license. It can be misplaced, stolen or mutilated as per the situation. If you can give details such as license number, it will be much easily and quickly retrieved from the records by the RTO official. In case you do not have a copy or even know your driving license number, it is advised to go and start an application from scratch. Now you realize how much time and energy a simple step of keeping a copy safe can save you.

To get a duplicate license you need to get in touch with the issuing authority and the details submitted will be confirmed from their records. The duplicate license will be valid for the same period as is your lost license. And this has to be done from the same RTO which issued you your license initially. If your license is lost and is already expired by more than six months your case needs authorization from Head Quarter of Transport Department.

Documentation required to obtain a duplicate license: Application in Form LLD, FIR or NCR of your lost/ stolen license, challan clearance report from Traffic Police (if it was a commercial driving license), a fee of INR 200, Form No 1 (which is self-declaration of Physical Fitness) and residence proof All the documents of which you present the photocopies have to be attested by Notary Public or Gazetted Officer.

How to Get International Driving License in Delhi

International driving licenses are usually distributed from different RTO zonal offices, which is valid for 12 months. For this you must get your driving license which you have obtained from your own country. Apart from that the documents specified below must be submitted when you apply for an international driving permit.

  • Attested copy of your valid driving license issued
  • Five passport sized photos
  • Medical Form 1-A
  • Attested copy of a valid residence proof
  • Attested copy of a valid passport
  • Attested copy of a valid visa.
  • Valid proof of Indian nationals
  • A nominal fee of INR 500

Please note that International driving license will be given from 8.30 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon at any zonal office.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How long is my driving license valid?Your driving license is usually valid for 20 years throughout India from the day of issuance or until you turn age 50, whichever occurs first. But, if your license is obtained for a commercial, passenger or goods vehicle it has to be renewed every three years.
  2. Is it necessary that I go for driving training from a Motor Driving School?It is not compulsory. Anyone with a permanent driving license is authorized to train. But for safety reasons, it is best that you learn from a qualified instructor as they mostly teach in vehicles with dual control. But to get a license for commercial vehicles, it is mandatory as Motor Driving School should issue Form No.5 for the same.
  3. How will I prepare for the driving test?Not counting the obviously expected competency in driving, you will be assessed on your capability to operate your vehicle in a swarming and traffic-jammed area. The theoretic part of the test relates to your skill in understanding road signs, indicators of vehicle system, papers to be kept in vehicle, rules etc.
  4. Why should my record be substantiated to renew my commercial license?The record of the license which is to be renewed must be systematically verified so as to guarantee the legitimacy. It is also important to ensure that the driving license was issued from the same office. If they are not able to trace your record, but the M.L.O. believes that the license is genuine, he might refer you for a retest.
  5. What is a ‘Driver Refresher Training Course’? When will I need it?You will need it only if you are a Heavy Motor vehicle License holder. One has to go in for the ‘Driver Refresher Training Course’ in the event of renewal of HMV Driving license. The Driver Training refresher course certificate has been made compulsory from the year 1998.

information credit : bankbazzar

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